



以下是使用 TikZ 样式的一种可能方法。您可以使用样式插入角度符号

right angle symbol={<Point 1>}{<Point 2>}{<Point 3>}

draw命令中,其中<Point 1><Point 2>是直线上的两个点(下图中A和),是垂直线上的一个点(下图中或)。如果您想要单独使用角度符号,只需在新的 中使用它:B<Point 3>QPdraw command

\draw [right angle symbol={<Point 1>}{<Point 2>}{<Point 3>}];

可以使用 选择象限right angle quadrant=<1-4>,使用 选择尺寸right angle length=<length>。这两个选项都必须在 之前调用right angle symbol

TikZ 中带有符号的直角


    right angle quadrant/.code={
        \pgfmathsetmacro\quadranta{{1,1,-1,-1}[#1-1]}     % Arrays for selecting quadrant
    right angle quadrant=1, % Make sure it is set, even if not called explicitly
    right angle length/.code={\def\rightanglelength{#1}},   % Length of symbol
    right angle length=2ex, % Make sure it is set...
    right angle symbol/.style n args={3}{
        insert path={
            let \p0 = ($(#1)!(#3)!(#2)$) in     % Intersection
                let \p1 = ($(\p0)!\quadranta*\rightanglelength!(#3)$), % Point on base line
                \p2 = ($(\p0)!\quadrantb*\rightanglelength!(#2)$) in % Point on perpendicular line
                let \p3 = ($(\p1)+(\p2)-(\p0)$) in  % Corner point of symbol
            (\p1) -- (\p3) -- (\p2)

\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill,label={#1},name=#1},
  extended line/.style={shorten >=-#1,shorten <=-#1},
  extended line/.default=1cm]

\node [dot=A] at (0,0) {};
\node [dot=B] at (3,1) {};
\node [dot=P] at (0.9,-1.2) {};
\node [dot=Q] at (1.3,2.2) {};

\draw [extended line=0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
\draw [extended line] ($(A)!(P)!(B)$) -- (P);

\draw [red,right angle symbol={A}{B}{P}];

\draw [extended line,right angle quadrant=3,right angle symbol={A}{B}{Q}] ($(A)!(Q)!(B)$) -- (Q);


另一种可能性是使用我的包 tkz-euclide(现在在 ctan 和 texlive 2011 上),但您不需要获取我定义的所有对象。只有角度是必要的。我以 Jake 的例子向您展示您可以混合使用 tikz 和 tkz。 \usetkzobj{angles}此宏加载角度的所有宏,如果您需要其他对象,\usetkzobj{angles,polygons}语法与相同\usetikzlibrary,如果您想要所有对象,您可以编写\usetkzobj{all}

\usepackage{tkz-euclide} % loads  TikZ and tkz-base
\usetkzobj{angles} % important you want to use angles

\begin{tikzpicture}[dot/.style={circle,inner sep=1pt,fill,label={#1},name=#1},
  extended line/.style={shorten >=-#1,shorten <=-#1},
  extended line/.default=1cm]
\node [dot=A] at (0,0) {};
\node [dot=B] at (3,1) {};
\node [dot=P] at (0.9,-1.2) {};

%\draw [extended line=0.5cm] (A) -- (B);
% In tkz-euclide I defined something like extend line 
% but I prefer my method because I add a percentage of the segment  at each sides
% with [add = % and %] left and right 
\tkzDrawLine[add=1 and .5](A,B) % with 1 you double the line BA from A
\draw [extended line] ($(A)!(P)!(B)$) coordinate (H) -- (P);
 % I named the projection H
  \tkzMarkRightAngle[fill=blue!20,size=.5](A,H,P) % size number in cm
  % and you need to give the points in an order counterclockwise

% Now an example with only tkz-euclide
  \tkzDrawLine[add= 0.5 and 0.8,color=blue](A,B)
   \tkzDefPointBy[projection=onto B--A](C)  \tkzGetPoint{H}
  \tkzDrawLine[add = .5 and .2,color=red](C,H)
  \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C)\tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C) % better now


