

为了我的博士论文附录,我需要排版一些包含原始数据的非常大的表格。它们大约有 30 列,并且可能有很多行,无法垂直地放在一页(双页)上。

是否有一个包可以允许创建一个覆盖整个双页(宽度)的表格,因此左页上有 1-15 列,右页上有 16-30 列,甚至有一个或多个分页符?





  • 针对这种情况有什么建议吗?


  • 左第一页上一个标题就够了吗?
  • 通常情况下,我会使用软件包制作表格booktabs,并避免在“正常”表格线之间出现水平线,但在这种情况下,它可以帮助眼睛对线条进行分组,也许按 3 组进行分组(这对我的数据 9 来说是有意义的,可以帮助眼睛跟随线条...
  • 我怎样才能减少那些大表格的外边距(仅)以使用大部分页面宽度?


我认为唯一可行的选择是将数据分成 2n 个部分:

  • 第一部分,第 1-15 列,第 1-24 行,\newpage
  • 第二部分,第 16-30 列,第 1-24 行,\newpage
  • 第三部分,第 1-15 列,第 24-48 行,\newpage
  • 第四部分,第 16-30 列,第 24-48 行,\newpage
  • ...



\newcommand{\mycaption}[1]{\vbox to 3\baselineskip{

其中 3 是大于标题行数的数字。对于右侧页面,您可以说

\newcommand{\fakecaption}{\vbox to 3\baselineskip{}}







\newcommand{\righttable}{\newpage\vbox to\leftcaptionht{}}



\lefttable{This is a caption}

a column long enough to go over  & a column long enough to arrive over the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\


a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
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a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\



\lefttable{This is a caption that occupies more than one line and so has to wrap, so that we 
can show that the alignment is correct}

a column long enough to go over  & a column long enough to arrive over the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\


a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\
a column & a column long enough to arrive near the right margin\\




\newcommand{\righttable}{\newpage\vbox to\leftcaptionht{\medskip
  \noindent(Table \thetable{} (continued)}}




您可以使用 创建表格ConTeXt,它还可以在水平方向上拆分表格。如果您需要使用 运行它,则可以将创建的 PDF 插入到您的文档中pdflatex
