thing & mapsto \\
foo 0 & bar 2 \\
foo 1 & bar 3 \\
foo 2 & bar 4 \\
foo 3 & bar 5 \\
foo 4 & bar 6 \\
foo 5 & bar 7 \\
foo 6 & bar 8 \\
foo 7 & bar 9 \\
foo 8 & bar 10 \\
foo 9 & bar 11 \\
foo 10 & bar 12 \\
foo 11 & bar 13 \\
foo 12 & bar 14 \\
foo 13 & bar 15 \\
foo 14 & bar 16 \\
foo 15 & bar 17 \\
foo 16 & bar 18 \\
foo 17 & bar 19 \\
foo 18 & bar 20 \\
foo 19 & bar 21 \\
\caption{What is this?}
Pellentesque sed posuere magna. Ut pellentesque dictum posuere. Mauris at justo ipsum. Maecenas sit amet neque erat, nec euismod nisi. Nullam posuere convallis massa vel luctus. Etiam vestibulum semper lectus, sed ultrices leo aliquet sit amet. Vestibulum in lorem vitae magna scelerisque porttitor ut volutpat dui. Nulla risus felis, molestie et tincidunt sit amet, ullamcorper vestibulum erat. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor velit, at tempor erat sollicitudin at. Sed nec nunc lacus. Sed sollicitudin sollicitudin risus sit amet mollis. Nam posuere tincidunt lacus, ut placerat arcu pharetra at. Proin tempus, orci sed consequat consequat, nulla augue tempus augue, vel fermentum mi augue eget odio.
thing & mapsto && thing & mapsto \\
foo 0 & bar 2 && foo 10 & bar 12 \\
foo 1 & bar 3 && foo 11 & bar 13 \\
但是,它也能将巨大的列分成两列(或三列或其他);它也能处理非数字数据。它接受 CSV 文件或以 和 分隔的文件&
s 或\multicolumn
every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},
col sep=ampersand,
row sep=\\,
display columns/0/.style={
% first part of 2 of `thing':
select equal part entry of={0}{2},
string type,
% column display name:
column name={thing (1/2)},
column type={r}, % ... and type
display columns/1/.style={
% first part of 2 of `mapsto':
select equal part entry of={0}{2},
string type,
column name={thing (2/2)},
column type={l|},
display columns/2/.style={select equal part entry of={1}{2},string type},% second part of 2 of `thing'
display columns/3/.style={select equal part entry of={1}{2},string type},% second part of 2 of `maps'
thing & mapsto \\
foo 0 & bar 2 \\
foo 1 & bar 3 \\
foo 2 & bar 4 \\
foo 3 & bar 5 \\
foo 4 & bar 6 \\
foo 5 & bar 7 \\
foo 6 & bar 8 \\
foo 7 & bar 9 \\
foo 8 & bar 10 \\
foo 9 & bar 11 \\
foo 10 & bar 12 \\
foo 11 & bar 13 \\
foo 12 & bar 14 \\
foo 13 & bar 15 \\
foo 14 & bar 16 \\
foo 15 & bar 17 \\
foo 16 & bar 18 \\
foo 17 & bar 19 \\
foo 18 & bar 20 \\
foo 19 & bar 21 \\
一种方法是使用 Will Robertson 的包收集表格主体environ
,然后使用 LaTeX3 代码重新组织行。
首先使用 分离行并将其存储到“序列变量”(在其他语言中称为列表)中\seq_set_split:Nnn
。由于表以 结尾\\
,因此生成的序列以空项结尾。序列的第一项(表的第一行)是标题,我们将不得不重复它。我们可以从序列中“弹出”第一行并将其存储在 中\l_DT_header_tl
\seq_new:N \l_DT_contents_seq
\seq_new:N \l_DT_contents_A_seq
\tl_new:N \l_DT_header_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_set_split:Nnn { NnV }
% Separate the rows.
\seq_set_split:NnV \l_DT_contents_seq { \\ } \BODY
% Extract the header.
\seq_pop_left:NN \l_DT_contents_seq \l_DT_header_tl
% Split the table between "contents_A" and "contents".
\seq_clear:N \l_DT_contents_A_seq
{ \int_div_truncate:nn { \seq_length:N \l_DT_contents_seq } {2} }
\seq_pop:NN \l_DT_contents_seq \l_tmpa_tl
\seq_put_right:NV \l_DT_contents_A_seq \l_tmpa_tl
% Typeset.
\l_DT_header_tl && \l_DT_header_tl \\
\cs_new:Npn \DT_one_row:nn #1#2 { #1 && #2 \\ }
thing & mapsto \\
foo 0 & bar 2 \\
foo 1 & bar 3 \\
foo 2 & bar 4 \\
foo 3 & bar 5 \\
foo 4 & bar 6 \\
foo 5 & bar 7 \\
foo 6 & bar 8 \\
foo 7 & bar 9 \\
foo 8 & bar 10 \\
foo 9 & bar 11 \\
foo 10 & bar 12 \\
foo 11 & bar 13 \\
foo 12 & bar 14 \\
foo 13 & bar 15 \\
foo 14 & bar 16 \\
foo 15 & bar 17 \\
foo 16 & bar 18 \\
foo 17 & bar 19 \\
foo 18 & bar 20 \\
foo 19 & bar 21 \\
\caption{What is this?}
Pellentesque sed posuere magna. Ut pellentesque dictum posuere. Mauris at justo ipsum. Maecenas sit amet neque erat, nec euismod nisi. Nullam posuere convallis massa vel luctus. Etiam vestibulum semper lectus, sed ultrices leo aliquet sit amet. Vestibulum in lorem vitae magna scelerisque porttitor ut volutpat dui. Nulla risus felis, molestie et tincidunt sit amet, ullamcorper vestibulum erat. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor velit, at tempor erat sollicitudin at. Sed nec nunc lacus. Sed sollicitudin sollicitudin risus sit amet mollis. Nam posuere tincidunt lacus, ut placerat arcu pharetra at. Proin tempus, orci sed consequat consequat, nulla augue tempus augue, vel fermentum mi augue eget odio.