

如何在 LaTeX 中绘制棋盘圆环(甜甜圈)?我看过绘制圆环的示例。但我还需要$4 \cross 4$在上面制作棋盘。如果我也可以更改配色方案,那会更有帮助!


使用 xelatex 运行。我不太明白你想把棋盘放在哪里。


\psset{Decran=20,lightsrc=10 20 20 rtp2xyz}
  ngrid=18 36,



以及带有 4x4 方格的棋盘:


  fcol =  0 256 768 { /i ED 
          i 8 i 32 add { dup 3 add 1 exch { 32 i 127 add { (Black) } for } for } for } for
        132 256 900 { /i ED 
          i 8 i 32 add { dup 3 add 1 exch { 32 i 127 add { (Black) } for } for } for } for,
    r1=2.5, r0=1.5, ngrid=32 32, %numfaces=all,fontsize=5,





  fcol =  0 256 768 { /i ED 
          i 8 i 32 add { dup 3 add 1 exch { 32 i 127 add { (Blue) } for } for } for } for
        132 256 900 { /i ED 
          i 8 i 32 add { dup 3 add 1 exch { 32 i 127 add { (Red) } for } for } for } for,
    r1=2.5, r0=1.5, ngrid=32 32, %numfaces=all,fontsize=5,




使用绘制圆环pst-solides3d包裹,例如赫伯特的回答,是可能的。您可以将其扩展到下面的代码,该代码在圆环上嵌入了一个 4x4 的黑红棋盘。

\usepackage{pst-solides3d}% http://ctan.org/pkg/pst-solides3d

  \psset{Decran=20,viewpoint=10 10 15}%,lightsrc=10 10 20 rtp2xyz,lightintensity=1
  \pstVerb{/iface 0 store}%
  fcol=4 {%
    iface         (Black) iface   1 add (Black) iface   2 add (Black) iface   3 add (Black)
    iface   4 add (Red)   iface   5 add (Red)   iface   6 add (Red)   iface   7 add (Red)   
    iface   8 add (Black) iface   9 add (Black) iface  10 add (Black) iface  11 add (Black)
    iface  12 add (Red)   iface  13 add (Red)   iface  14 add (Red)   iface  15 add (Red)
    iface  64 add (Red)   iface  65 add (Red)   iface  66 add (Red)   iface  67 add (Red)
    iface  68 add (Black) iface  69 add (Black) iface  70 add (Black) iface  71 add (Black)
    iface  72 add (Red)   iface  73 add (Red)   iface  74 add (Red)   iface  75 add (Red)
    iface  76 add (Black) iface  77 add (Black) iface  78 add (Black) iface  79 add (Black)
    iface 128 add (Black) iface 129 add (Black) iface 130 add (Black) iface 131 add (Black)
    iface 132 add (Red)   iface 133 add (Red)   iface 134 add (Red)   iface 135 add (Red)   
    iface 136 add (Black) iface 137 add (Black) iface 138 add (Black) iface 139 add (Black)
    iface 140 add (Red)   iface 141 add (Red)   iface 142 add (Red)   iface 143 add (Red)
    iface 192 add (Red)   iface 193 add (Red)   iface 194 add (Red)   iface 195 add (Red)
    iface 196 add (Black) iface 197 add (Black) iface 198 add (Black) iface 199 add (Black)
    iface 200 add (Red)   iface 201 add (Red)   iface 202 add (Red)   iface 203 add (Red)
    iface 204 add (Black) iface 205 add (Black) iface 206 add (Black) iface 207 add (Black) /iface
    iface  16 add store}
    r1=4,r0=1,% Inner radius and torus radius
    object=tore,% Object is a torus
    ngrid=16 16,% Grid definition
    linewidth=0.1pt,% Edge line width
%    grid,% Remove edges
%    RotY=30% Rotation about y-axis (RotX and RotZ for rotations about x- and z-axis)

4x4 棋盘嵌入带有边缘线的圆环上

fcol=... repeat部分指定了面颜色。仅使用 4x4 网格会使圆环看起来像正方形。因此,我将其提升到 16x16 网格圆环。然而,这增加了一堆面颜色规范,这不能嵌套以使其更容易。它仍然可行,但很麻烦。你追求的表面越平滑,你需要添加的着色面就越多。grid在你的\psSolid[...]定义中添加选项会删除边缘,并产生

嵌入无边线圆环上的 4x4 棋盘

实体的所有渲染/处理都是在 Postscript 端进行的。这意味着编译会很快,但加载到查看器中可能会有点慢。但是,一旦您对圆环的外观感到满意,您就可以将顶点和面导出到文件中,然后直接加载它们。这大大加快了查看速度。

