我可以将 dtx 文件转换为 tex 文件吗

我可以将 dtx 文件转换为 tex 文件吗

我知道 dtx 文件是文学编程风格的文件。我也知道我可以用 pdflatex 编译它来生成 pdf 文件。但我想知道我是否可以将 tex 代码提取到一个独立的文件中?我想我可以从 tex 源代码中学到一些东西。


DTX 文件已经是 LaTeX 文件(有时称为.tex文件),但它使用了一些特殊的东西。它包含注释行形式的描述和软件包源代码。它包含一个“驱动程序”前言和正文,其中包含相同的文件,但%注释字符被禁用,因此最初注释掉的部分现在被读取为正常的 LaTeX 代码。如果您不介意注释样式,只需查看文件即可查看描述部分。

如果要将其转换为普通的 LaTeX 文件,只需%从代码中删除注释字符并完全删除实现部分。然后我会将“驱动程序”头部部分更改为不包含文件,而是将描述主体直接放在那里,方法是删除\DocInput{..}并将移动\end{document}到文件末尾。


% \iffalse
% Description
% ...
% Implementation
%   \begin{macrocode}
%   \end{macrocode}
% ...
% END of file





通常package.dtx伴随着package.ins并在后者上运行 LaTeX 来提取代码(通常在package.sty,但在某些情况下会创建其他文件)。


pdflatex package.dtx


tex package.dtx

用于提取代码(H. Oberdiek 的包就是这种情况)。


如果运行 LaTeX 时package.dtx没有排版注释代码,您可以ltxdoc.cfg在工作目录中编写一个包含以下行的文件


并再次运行 LaTeX package.dtx


更具体的指南 + 执行此操作时需要注意的事项。

  1. 在某处获取 .dtx 文件。例如,用于dtxgen a.sty生成默认的“模板”文件。


    % \iffalse meta-comment
    % vim: textwidth=75
    -------:| -----------------------------------------------------------------
          a:| A new LaTeX package
     Author:| (not set)
     E-mail:| (not set)
    License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
        See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
    Short description:
    Some text about the package: probably the same as the abstract.
    \input docstrip.tex
    -------:| -----------------------------------------------------------------
          a:| A new LaTeX package
     Author:| (not set)
     E-mail:| (not set)
    License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
        See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
    [... more things ...]
  2. 复制(保留原件a.dtx!) 至a.tex准确的文件名在这里很重要,并将其保存在同一个文件夹中。

  3. 编译它。不出所料,它可以被编译,并且输出大致如下


  4. 完毕!

    然而……这里你可能指的是“以正常方式写入的 TeX 文件”。

    备注/如果它有助于理解情况,你可以用非常不正常的方式编写 TeX 文件,例如https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/104263/250119,这是因为其精心设计的 catcode 系统才得以实现。

  5. 因此首先删除%TeX 文件中的所有内容(不要在 dtx 文件中这样做!)

    -------:| -----------------------------------------------------------------
          a:| A new LaTeX package
     Author:| (not set)
     E-mail:| (not set)
    License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
        See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
    Short description:
    Some text about the package: probably the same as the abstract.


        [2022/03/29 v1.00 A new LaTeX package]


  6. 删除多余的内容。剩余:

    \ProvidesFile{a.dtx} [2022/03/29 v1.00 A new LaTeX package]


  7. 这里基本上(也在https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/530511/250119) \DocInput是一个类似于\input但“忽略%符号”的特殊命令。因此, \DocInput用 a.dtx 的内容替换该行,然后删除所有%符号,除了紧接在之前的符号\end{macrocode}得到结果:

    \ProvidesFile{a.dtx} [2022/03/29 v1.00 A new LaTeX package]
     \iffalse meta-comment
     vim: textwidth=75
    -------:| -----------------------------------------------------------------
          a:| A new LaTeX package
     Author:| (not set)
     E-mail:| (not set)
    License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
        See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
    Short description:
    Some text about the package: probably the same as the abstract.
    \input docstrip.tex
    -------:| -----------------------------------------------------------------
          a:| A new LaTeX package
     Author:| (not set)
     E-mail:| (not set)
    License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
        See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
    Copyright (C) 2022 by (not set) <(not set)>
    This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
    conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
    version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
    version.  The latest version of this license is in the file:
    This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
    (not set).
    This work consists of the file a.dtx and a Makefile.
    Running "make" generates the derived files README, a.pdf and a.sty.
    Running "make inst" installs the files in the user's TeX tree.
    Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
        [2022/03/29 v1.00 A new LaTeX package]
    \title{\textsf{a} --- A new LaTeX package\thanks{This file
       describes version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}
    \author{(not set)\thanks{E-mail: (not set)}}
    \date{Released \filedate}
    \changes{v1.00}{2022/03/29}{First public release}
     ==== Put abstract text here. ====
     ==== Put descriptive text here. ====
     This macro does nothing.\index{doing nothing|usage} It is merely an
     example.  If this were a real macro, you would put a paragraph here
     describing what the macro is supposed to do, what its mandatory and
     optional arguments are, and so forth.
     This environment does nothing.  It is merely an example.
     If this were a real environment, you would put a paragraph here
     describing what the environment is supposed to do, what its
     mandatory and optional arguments are, and so forth.
    %    \end{macrocode}
     This is a dummy macro.  If it did anything, we'd describe its
     implementation here.
    %    \end{macrocode}
     This is a dummy environment.  If it did anything, we'd describe its
     implementation here.
    %    \end{macrocode}
     \changes{v1.00a}{2022/03/29}{Added a spurious change log entry to
       show what a change \emph{within} an environment definition looks
     Don't use || to introduce a code comment within a |macrocode|
     environment.  Instead, you should typeset all of your comments with
     LaTeX---doing so gives much prettier results.  For comments within a
     macro/environment body, just do an |\end{macrocode}|, include some
     commentary, and do another |\begin{macrocode}|.  It's that simple.
    %    \end{macrocode}
    %    \end{macrocode}
  8. (可选)删除该\iffalse ... \fi部分。

    您需要一些 TeX 知识才能知道它与哪个 \fi 匹配(它与最后一个匹配)。结果以

    \ProvidesFile{a.dtx} [2022/03/29 v1.00 A new LaTeX package]
    \title{\textsf{a} --- A new LaTeX package\thanks{This file
       describes version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}
    \author{(not set)\thanks{E-mail: (not set)}}
    \date{Released \filedate}

备注:显然步骤 7 不是可以应用于所有 dtx 文件的通用技术(也在https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/16864/250119(英文):然而它对这个特别有用。

备注:如果您认为注释掉很\end奇怪,请查看上面链接的代码,以比较 TeX 的功能。

