tikz-pfg 手册第 316 页描述了元箭头尖,并说通常我们不希望尖头以与支撑线相同的方式缩放。有没有办法保留此功能,即当使用时line width=5pt
,尖头应该比大五倍line width=1pt
v2.10 pgfmanual 在第 609 页讨论了这些内容。它显示了元箭头和调整大小箭鎖。
在手册的 TeX 代码中,箭头的尖端使用 进行编码pgfarrowsdeclare
。基于此,我认为没有现成的选项可以简单地将箭头调整大小根据线宽。因此,如果您想使用它们,则需要在文档中包含下面显示的bad latex
和箭头样式的代码。然后,要选择它们,而不是将箭头指定为或箭头,您只需使用或。bad to
[-bad latex]
[-bad to]
\usepackage{soul}% for highlighting output
\pgfarrowsdeclare{bad latex}{bad latex}
\pgfarrowsdeclare{bad to}{bad to}
These are the \emph{resized} \ArrowType{bad latex} and \ArrowType{bad to} arrows:
\draw[-bad latex,line width=0.1pt] (0pt,0ex) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.1pt};
\draw[-bad latex,line width=0.4pt] (0pt,-2em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.4pt};
\draw[-bad latex,line width=1.2pt] (0pt,-4em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 1.2pt};
\draw[-bad latex,line width=5pt] (0pt,-6em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 5pt};
\draw[-bad to,line width=0.1pt] (6cm,0ex) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.1pt};
\draw[-bad to,line width=0.4pt] (6cm,-2em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.4pt};
\draw[-bad to,line width=1.2pt] (6cm,-4em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 1.2pt};
\draw[-bad to,line width=5pt] (6cm,-6em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 5pt};
And the standard meta \ArrowType{latex} and \ArrowType{to} arrows:
\draw[-latex,line width=0.1pt] (0pt,0ex) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.1pt};
\draw[-latex,line width=0.4pt] (0pt,-2em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.4pt};
\draw[-latex,line width=1.2pt] (0pt,-4em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 1.2pt};
\draw[-latex,line width=5pt] (0pt,-6em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 5pt};
\draw[-to,line width=0.1pt] (6cm,0ex) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.1pt};
\draw[-to,line width=0.4pt] (6cm,-2em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 0.4pt};
\draw[-to,line width=1.2pt] (6cm,-4em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 1.2pt};
\draw[-to,line width=5pt] (6cm,-6em) -- +(3,0) node[thin,right] {line width is 5pt};