表格中的 Compactitem 在环境之后产生额外的垂直空间

表格中的 Compactitem 在环境之后产生额外的垂直空间

如果我在 tabular(x) 中使用 compactitem,列表环境前后会有垂直空格。我该如何删除该空格?

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}

\usepackage{paralist, tabularx}


\item Item 1
\item Item 2
    There is no verstical space after the compactitem-environment.

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}
a & b\\
a &     \begin{compactitem}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
a& \dots but in the tabular, there \emph{is} vertical space after and before the einvironment!\\



\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{scrartcl}

\usepackage{paralist, tabularx}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{l X}\hline
a & b\\
a &     \begin{compactitem}
\item Item 1
\item Item 2
a& \dots but in the tabular, there \emph{is} vertical space after and before the einvironment!\\


