Ledmac - 抑制引理注释中的粗体

Ledmac - 抑制引理注释中的粗体

我正在排版我的论文,这是一篇拉丁文本的西班牙语翻译版。正文中的圣经引文用粗体字母表示。但是,当我做引文脚注时,我不希望粗体字体传递到注释中。我发现了这个技巧作者:Dirk-Jan Dekker






\let\appcrit\Afootnote% <-- apparatus criticus
% now three commands, one normal, one with unique \lemma, one without unique lemma
I am typesetting my thesis, an edition of a Latin text with Spanish
translation. \apc{\textbf{Bible quotations}}{this one has a bold lemma} in 
the main text are in bold letters. However, when I make a lemma footnote I 
\apcl{do not want the bold}{do not want the bold}{so no bold} font to pass 
to the notes. I found this trick from Dirk-Jan Dekker.  But I do not know 
where in my preamble I should place it. I have tried several places and 
when I compile the application seems to get into a loop and it simply goes 
on and on. \nobold{Can anybody help me with this}{no bold, but without 
unique lemmata}?
