TikZ 树兄弟距离

TikZ 树兄弟距离

我一直在为 TikZ 和如何构建树而苦苦挣扎。我现在需要一些关于如何改进节点放置的建议。现在我有这 2 棵树:

[font=\small, edge from parent fork down, 
every node/.style={top color=white, bottom color=blue!25, 
rectangle,rounded corners, minimum size=6mm, draw=blue!75,
very thick, drop shadow, align=center},
edge from parent/.style={draw=blue!50,thick},
level 1/.style={sibling distance=6cm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, 
level 3/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, 
level distance=2cm,

\node {Paletizar} % root
    child { node {Iniciar} 
        child { node {Detectar Pacote}}
        child { node {Movimentar}}
    child { node {Empacotar}
        child { [sibling distance=15mm] node {Posicionar}
            child { node {Pegar/Largar}}
            child { node {Organizar}}
            child { node {Movimentar}}
        child { node {Agrupar}}
        child { node {Padronizar}}
    child { node {Finalizar} 
        child { node {Detectar estado\\da palete}}
        child { node {Transmitir}}


[font=\small, edge from parent fork down, 
    every node/.style={top color=white, bottom color=blue!25, 
    rectangle,rounded corners, minimum size=6mm, draw=blue!75,
    very thick, drop shadow, align=center},
    edge from parent/.style={draw=blue!50,thick},
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=6cm},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=3cm}, 
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=2cm}, 
    level distance=2cm,

    \node {Paletizador} % root
        child { node {Inicialização\\de sistema} 
            child { node {Sensor X}}
            child { node {Acção Y}}
        child { node {Sacos}
            child { node {Linha/Coluna}
                child { node {Garra}}
            child { node {Rodar Garra}}
            child { node {Acção Y2}}
        child { node {Euro Pallet}}
        child { node {Disposição $xyz$}
            child { node {$x=?$}}
            child { node {$y=?$}}
            child { node {$z=?$}}
    child { node {Sistema de despacho} 
        child { node {Sensor de peso\\/contador}}
        child { node {Tapete rolante\\de saída}}






edge from parent fork down,
level distance=1.75cm,
every node/.style=
    {top color=white,
    bottom color=blue!25,
    rectangle,rounded corners,
    minimum height=8mm,
    very thick,
    drop shadow,
    text depth = 0pt
edge from parent/.style=

\Tree [.Paletizador
        [.{Inicialização\\de sistema}
            [.{Sensor X} ]
            [.{Acção Y} ] ] 
                [.{Garra} ]
                [.{Rodar Garra} ]
                [.{Acção Y2} ] ]
            [.{Euro Pallet} ]
            [.{Disposição $xyz$}
                [.{$x=?$} ]
                [.{$y=?$} ]
                [.{$z=?$} ] ] ] 
        [.{Sistema de despacho}
            [.{Sensor de peso\\/contador} ]
            [.{Tapete rolante\\de saída} ] ]



可以使用更新、更强大的 非常简洁地指定更紧凑的树forest。例如:

  my node style/.style={
    top color=white,
    bottom color=blue!25,
    rounded corners,
    minimum size=6mm,
    very thick,
    drop shadow,
  my tree style/.style={
    for tree={
      my node style,
      parent anchor=south,
      child anchor=north,
      edge={draw=blue!50, thick},
      edge path={% |-| style branches from parent to child
        \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
      if n children=3{% if a node has 3 children
        for children={% align the middle child with its parent
          if n=2{calign with current}{}

  my tree style
        [Detectar Pacote]
        [Detectar estado\\da palete]


  my tree style
        [Inicialização\\de sistema
            [Sensor X]
            [Acção Y]
            [Rodar Garra]
            [Acção Y2]
        [Euro Pallet]
        [{Disposição $xyz$}
    [Sistema de despacho
      [{Sensor de peso\\/contador}]
      [Tapete rolante\\de saída]



如果您需要让树木保持纵向,并且可以稍微调整相对对齐,那么您可以非常轻松地做到这一点。在这个版本中,我还利用了纵向可用的垂直空间来稍微增加级别之间的距离。第一棵树使用层对齐tier=<tier name>,第二棵树使用空节点来调整对齐,shape=coordinate通过修改样式定义将所有空节点设置为。

  my node style/.style={
    top color=white,
    bottom color=blue!25,
    rounded corners,
    minimum size=6mm,
    very thick,
    drop shadow,
  my tree style/.style={
    for tree={
      parent anchor=south,
      child anchor=north,
      l sep+=5pt,
      my node style,
      edge={draw=blue!50, thick},
      edge path={
        \noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-7.5pt) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
      if n children=3{
        for children={
          if n=2{calign with current}{}
      delay={if content={}{shape=coordinate}{}}

  my tree style
        [Detectar Pacote]
        [Padronizar, tier=A]
    [Finalizar, tier=A
        [Detectar estado\\da palete]


  my tree style
        [Inicialização\\de sistema
            [Sensor X]
            [Acção Y]
              [Rodar Garra]
              [Acção Y2]
            [Euro Pallet]
            [{Disposição $xyz$}
    [Sistema de despacho
      [Sensor de peso\\/contador]
      [Tapete rolante\\de saída]





[font=\small, edge from parent fork down, 
every node/.style={top color=white, bottom color=blue!25, 
rectangle,rounded corners, minimum size=6mm, draw=blue!75,
very thick, drop shadow, align=center},
edge from parent/.style={draw=blue!50,thick},
level 1/.style={sibling distance=6cm},
level 2/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, 
level 3/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, 
level distance=2cm,
\node {Paletizar} % root
    child { node {Iniciar} 
        child { node {Detectar Pacote}}
        child { node {Movimentar}}
    child { node {Empacotar}
        child { [sibling distance=15mm] node {Posicionar}
            child { node {Pegar/Largar}}
            child { node {Organizar}}
            child { node {Movimentar}}
        child { node {Agrupar}}
        child { node {Padronizar}}
    child { node {Finalizar} 
        child { node {Detectar estado\\da palete}}
        child { node {Transmitir}}

[font=\small, edge from parent fork down, 
    every node/.style={top color=white, bottom color=blue!25, 
    rectangle,rounded corners, minimum size=6mm, draw=blue!75,
    very thick, drop shadow, align=center},
    edge from parent/.style={draw=blue!50,thick},
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=6cm},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=2.5cm}, 
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=1.75cm}, 
    level distance=2cm,
    \node {Paletizador} % root
        child { node {Inicialização\\de sistema} 
            child { node {Sensor X}}
            child { node {Acção Y}}
        child { node {Sacos}
            child { node {Linha/Coluna}
                child { node {Garra}}
            child { node {Rodar Garra}}
            child { node {Acção Y2}}
        child { node {Euro Pallet}}
        child { node {Disposição $xyz$}
            child { node {$x=?$}}
            child { node {$y=?$}}
            child { node {$z=?$}}
    child { node {Sistema de despacho} 
        child { node {Sensor de peso\\/contador}}
        child { node {Tapete rolante\\de saída}}

TikZ 树形图

您可能需要研究其他一些软件包,例如qtree绘制树,如果节点不需要看起来很花哨,并且你想要一些自动放置。如果你确实想要花哨TikZ 中,还有tikz-qtree
