The pilot and the passenger got into the plane. It | 1
was a small plane. It had one engine. It was an old | 2
plane. The pilot started the engine. "Are you okay?" | 3
he asked the passenger. She said she was okay. They | 4
were flying to an island. The island was only 30 mi- | 5
nutes away. It would be a short flight. She was a | 6
nurse. Her husband was a doctor. The doctor was on | 7
the island. The doctor needed some medicine. She had | 8
the medicine in her bag. The medicine would save a | 9
young boy. The young boy was very sick. The plane | 10
took off. The engine sounded funny. The pilot frowned. | 11
"Is everything okay?" the passenger asked. "I'm afraid | 12
not," said the pilot. "There's something wrong with | 13
the engine. We have to land." He landed the plane. The | 14
nurse got out of the plane. She looked around the air- | 15
port. She saw another plane. This plane had two en- | 16
gines. She walked over to the plane. "Is this a new | 17
plane or an old plane?" she asked the pilot. The pilot | 18
said it was a new plane. "Good," she said. "Please take | 19
me to the island." | 20
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