使用 Exam 类保持复选框对齐

使用 Exam 类保持复选框对齐



    \choice Yes
    \choice No

\question This question is short\YesNo
\question This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line\YesNo

... % lots of questions go here


目前看起来像... 在此处输入图片描述

看起来应该像... 在此处输入图片描述


使用top-aligned \parboxes 可以工作吗?


\usepackage{multicol}% http://ctan.org/pkg/multicol
    \choice Yes
    \choice No

\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo
\question This question is short\YesNo
\question \parbox[t]{0.5\linewidth}{This question is longer, and will probably wrap to the next line}\YesNo

\parbox宽度( )的选择0.5\linewidth可能根据多项选择样式而变化。
