

我有一个仅由浮动元素组成的文档,我想对它们进行排序,以使用最少的页面。在我的例子中,每个浮动元素都包含歌词,但它们也可能是诗歌、代码片段或图像。我不在乎它们如何排序,但我希望 LaTeX 自动对它们进行重新排序,以便每页尽可能接近满页。

有没有办法用普通的 LaTeX 来实现这一点?如果没有,我想我必须编写一些代码来计算每个浮点数的大小,然后实现我自己的排序算法 - 有什么提示告诉我该怎么做吗?

下面是一个虚拟示例。在此示例中,框 2 无法放在第一页,但框 4 可以。理想情况下,结果应该只占用两页,而不是三页。



This is box one


The end of box one%

This is box two


The end of box two%

This is box three


The end of box three%

This is box four


The end of box four%

可能的排序算法(按照 Yiannis 的要求):

Calculate the size of each box
Loop through all of the boxes:
  Select the largest box
  Put it on the first page which has space, starting a new page if necessary


我比 Frank 慢,因为我花了很长时间微调 LaTeX3 中的排序算法。要运行下面的代码,您应该l3sortsvn 存储库或者等待我们决定将其移至 CTAN 上的适当实验包中。


  1. 首先将所有盒子收集到一个公共的 中main_box,一个接一个,跟踪每个盒子的垂直尺寸,以及它们在 中出现的位置main_box(盒子从主盒子的底部开始堆叠,可以使用 TeX 基元 进行访问\lastbox)。

  2. {index}{dimension}然后按维度降序对列表进行排序。

  3. 循环遍历这些对 ( \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_binpack_main_seq)。对于每个对,依次尝试页面 ( \prg_stepwise_inline:nnnn),测试新盒子是否适合 ( \dim_compare:nNnF)。如果适合,则将盒子放在那里并跳出对可能页面的循环。如果所有页面都没有空间,则制作一个新页面,并将盒子放在那里。

  4. 在步骤 3 中,我们为每一页构建一个我们计划放置在那里的盒子序列。从中提取给定的盒子main_box是以一种肮脏的方式完成的:删除最后一个盒子并将其分配给给定的变量。\box_gset_to_last:N如果我们重复该分配,我们会逐个删除盒子。因此,我决定使用的方法是复制main_box,然后删除盒子 N 次并抓取第 (N+1) 个,即 中的项目 N。main_box


\box_new:N \g_binpack_main_box
\box_new:N \g_binpack_tmpa_box
\box_new:N \g_binpack_tmpb_box
\int_new:N \g_binpack_label_int
\seq_new:N \g_binpack_main_seq
\dim_new:N \g_binpack_hsize_dim
\dim_new:N \g_binpack_vsize_dim
\dim_new:N \g_binpack_extra_dim
\int_new:N \g_binpack_page_int
\bool_new:N \g_binpack_success_bool
    \box_gclear:N \g_binpack_main_box
    \box_gclear:N \g_binpack_tmpa_box
    \box_gclear:N \g_binpack_tmpb_box
    \seq_gclear:N \g_binpack_main_seq
    \int_gzero:N  \g_binpack_label_int
    \int_gzero:N  \g_binpack_page_int
    \dim_gset:Nn  \g_binpack_vsize_dim { \vsize }
    \dim_gset:Nn  \g_binpack_hsize_dim { \hsize - 2\fboxsep - 2\fboxrule }
    \dim_gset:Nn  \g_binpack_extra_dim { 2\fboxsep + 2\fboxrule }
\newenvironment {testbox}
    \vbox_gset:Nw \g_binpack_tmpa_box
      \color_group_begin: \color_ensure_current:
        \dim_set_eq:NN \hsize \g_binpack_hsize_dim
    \binpack_gpush_box:N \g_binpack_tmpa_box
    \int_gincr:N \g_binpack_label_int
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_gpush_box:N #1
    \seq_gpush:Nx \g_binpack_main_seq
        { \int_use:N \g_binpack_label_int }
        { \dim_eval:n { \box_ht:N #1 + \box_dp:N #1 + \g_binpack_extra_dim } }
    \vbox_gset:Nn \g_binpack_main_box
        \box_use:N #1
        \vbox_unpack_clear:N \g_binpack_main_box
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_box_item:n #1
    \vbox_gset:Nn \g_binpack_tmpa_box
        \vbox_unpack:N \g_binpack_main_box
        \prg_replicate:nn { #1 + 1 }
          { \box_gset_to_last:N \g_binpack_tmpb_box }
    \box_use_drop:N \g_binpack_tmpb_box
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_sort:
    \seq_gsort:Nn \g_binpack_main_seq
      { \binpack_sort_aux:nnnn ##1 ##2 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_sort_aux:nnnn #1#2 #3#4
    \dim_compare:nNnTF { #2 } < { #4 }
      { \sort_return_swapped: } { \sort_return_same: }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_pack:
    \int_gzero:N \g_binpack_page_int
    \seq_map_inline:Nn \g_binpack_main_seq { \binpack_pack:nn ##1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_pack:nn #1#2
    \bool_gset_false:N \g_binpack_success_bool
      { 0 } { 1 } { \g_binpack_page_int - 1 }
          { \dim_use:c { g_binpack_page_##1_dim } + #2 }
          > \g_binpack_vsize_dim
            \binpack_page_gput:nnn {##1} {#1} {#2}
            \bool_gset_true:N \g_binpack_success_bool
    \bool_if:NF \g_binpack_success_bool
          { \int_eval:n { \g_binpack_page_int - 1 } } {#1} {#2}
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_page_gput:nnn #1#2#3
    \seq_gput_right:cn { g_binpack_page_#1_seq } {#2}
    \dim_gadd:cn { g_binpack_page_#1_dim } {#3}
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \binpack_page_gput:nnn { x }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_page_new:
    \dim_new:c { g_binpack_page_ \int_use:N \g_binpack_page_int _dim }
    \seq_new:c { g_binpack_page_ \int_use:N \g_binpack_page_int _seq }
    \int_gincr:N \g_binpack_page_int
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_build:
      { 0 } { 1 } { \g_binpack_page_int - 1 }
          { items:~\seq_map_function:cN { g_binpack_page_##1_seq } \c_space_tl }
          { g_binpack_page_##1_seq }
            \binpack_frame_box:n { \binpack_box_item:n { ####1 } }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \binpack_frame_box:n #1
        \hrule height \fboxrule
            \vrule width \fboxrule
            \kern \fboxsep
            \vbox { \kern \fboxsep #1 \kern \fboxsep }
            \kern \fboxsep
            \vrule width \fboxrule
        \hrule height \fboxrule















这是 expl3 中实现的解决方案的草图。为了方便起见,我假设所有浮点数都存储在外部文件中(当然也可以用其他方法)。要使之可行,需要提供用户界面并完成实现的排版部分。


This is box one


The end of box one
This is box two


The end of box two
This is box thre


The end of box three
This is box four


The end of box four



% use "fs" for "floats sorted" as module name

% ----------------------------------------------

% box for measuring float ht
\box_new:N \l_fs_float_box

% property list holding float heights (key float file name)
\prop_new:N \l_fs_float_hts_prop

% token list storing float names in braces for sorting
\tl_new:N \l_fs_floats_tl

% sequence holding floats sorted by size
\seq_new:N \l_fs_sorted_floats_seq

% counter for allocated pages
\int_new:N \l_fs_pages_int

% sequence of allocated pages
\seq_new:N \l_fs_alloced_pages_seq

% property list holding available space on page (key = page number)
\prop_new:N \l_fs_page_hts_prop

% ----------------------------------------------

% load a float file (arg = file name)
\cs_new:Npn \fs_load_float_file:n #1 {
% measure
   \vbox_set:Nn \l_fs_float_box {  \input{#1}  }
   \prop_put:NnV \l_fs_float_hts_prop {#1} { \box_ht:N \l_fs_float_box }
% store for sorting
   \tl_put_right:Nn \l_fs_floats_tl { {#1} }

% ----------------------------------------------

% sorting 
\cs_new:Npn \fs_sort_sizes: {
%set up definition for quicksort code
   \cs_set_nopar:Npn \prg_quicksort_compare:nnTF ##1##2  {
% get two float heights and compare
      \prop_get:NnN \l_fs_float_hts_prop {##1} \l_tmpa_tl
      \prop_get:NnN \l_fs_float_hts_prop {##2} \l_tmpb_tl
      \dim_compare:nNnTF \l_tmpa_tl < \l_tmpb_tl
% what to do with each item in the sorted sequence:
  \cs_set_nopar:Npn\prg_quicksort_function:n ##1{\seq_put_right:Nn \l_fs_sorted_floats_seq{ ##1} }
% run the quicksort on the content of \l_fs_floats_tl
  \exp_args:No \prg_quicksort:n \l_fs_floats_tl

% ----------------------------------------------

% place all floats according to the following algorithm:
% Loop through all of the boxes:
%   Select the largest box
 %  Put it on the first page which has space, starting a new page if necessary

\cs_new:Npn \fs_place_floats:n #1 {
% map over all floats already sorted by size:
  \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_fs_sorted_floats_seq 
% being simpleminded ... we allocate a new page for every float just in case (may not use
%  it later but then we know there is one if necessary :-)
     \fs_alloc_new_page:n {#1}
% get the height of the current float
      \prop_get:NnN \l_fs_float_hts_prop {##1} \l_tmpa_tl
% now map over all allocated pages so far:
      \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_fs_alloced_pages_seq
% get the available space for current page:
            \prop_get:NnN \l_fs_page_hts_prop {####1} \l_tmpb_tl
% compae that with float size
            \dim_compare:nNnF \l_tmpa_tl > \l_tmpb_tl
% if the float fits onto the page then:
%    - change the available space on that page
                   \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim { \l_tmpb_tl - \l_tmpa_tl }
                   \prop_put:NnV \l_fs_page_hts_prop {####1} \l_tmpa_dim
%    - and save the float name in a sequence associated with the page 
                   \seq_put_right:cn {fs_page_   ####1  _seq } {##1}
%   - finally break out of this loop as we are done

% ----------------------------------------------

% alloc a new page or rather the data structures for it. Arg is the iitial page height
\cs_new:Npn  \fs_alloc_new_page:n #1 {
% use a number to generate page "names"
  \int_incr:N \l_fs_pages_int
% put in an initial page height
  \prop_put:Non \l_fs_page_hts_prop { \int_use:N \l_fs_pages_int} {#1}
% provide an empty sequence that later on hold floats put on this page
  \seq_clear:c {fs_page_   
                        \int_use:N \l_fs_pages_int 
                        _seq }
% put the new page name into the sequence holding allocated pages
  \seq_put_right:NV \l_fs_alloced_pages_seq  \l_fs_pages_int

% ----------------------------------------------

% typeset the floats that should by now all be distrupted into the page sequences
\cs_new:Npn  \fs_typeset_floats: {
% map over all allocated pages (one could put some randomness here so not to get first all the big floats)
 \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_fs_alloced_pages_seq
% with out randomness the first page sequence without a float means we are done
      \seq_if_empty:cTF {fs_page_  ##1 _seq }
         { \seq_map_break: }
% but if it contains float names ... we better typeset the floats one by one
            \seq_map_inline:cn {fs_page_  ##1 _seq }
                {  \fs_typeset_float:nn {##1} {####1} }

% I'm not actually doing any typesetting just saying what should happen ...
% which is why I also passed the page name as argument
\cs_new:Npn  \fs_typeset_float:nn #1#2 {
   \typeout { Typeset~ float~ '#2'~ on~ page~ '#1' }

% ----------------------------------------------


% ------------------ load floats ...


%\prop_show:N  \l_fs_float_hts_prop
%\tl_show:N \l_fs_floats_tl

% ----------------  sort them

%\seq_show:N \l_fs_sorted_floats_seq

% --------------- place them

%\prop_show:N  \l_fs_page_hts_prop
% \seq_show:c {fs_page_1_seq }
% \seq_show:c {fs_page_2_seq }
% \seq_show:c {fs_page_3_seq }

% --------------- typeset them

