您可以使用 tikz 和 scrpage2。我得到了以下结果:
% also works with oneside option and with non Koma Class like article
% Package used for custom page numbers
% package for drawing
% package used for tests
% Define lemon color
% Sep up Page numbering font
% create new custom page style "fancy"
{} %head twoside even
{} %head twoside odd
{} %head oneside
{\tikzpagemark[e]} %foot twoside even
{\hfill\tikzpagemark} %foot twoside odd
{\hfill\tikzpagemark} %foot oneside}
% This command creates the custom page numbers
% If optional parameter is used \tikzpagemark creates pagemark for the left side
\node at (\notblank{#1}{-}{}3mm,\textheight+\footskip-3pt)
[minimum width=1.1cm,minimum height=1.1cm,
below \notblank{#1}{left}{right}](n)
\draw[color=lemon,line width=3pt] (n.north east) -- (n.north west);
\draw[color=lemon,line width=1pt] (n.south east) -- (n.south west);
This is some text
Some more text.