这个问题是我之前在小组中发布的关于在轴上绘制格点或格架的一个问题的结果(参考。使用 PGF/TikZ 绘制格子/网格图)。
\coordinate (Origin) at (0,0);
\coordinate (XAxisMin) at (-3,0);
\coordinate (XAxisMax) at (5,0);
\coordinate (YAxisMin) at (0,-2);
\coordinate (YAxisMax) at (0,5);
\coordinate (Bone) at (0,2);
\coordinate (Btwo) at (2,-2);
\draw [thin, gray,-latex] (XAxisMin) -- (XAxisMax);% Draw x axis
\draw [thin, gray,-latex] (YAxisMin) -- (YAxisMax);% Draw y axis
\clip (-3,-2) rectangle (10cm,10cm); % Clips the picture...
\pgftransformcm{1}{0.6}{0.7}{1}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{3cm}} % This is actually the transformation
% matrix entries that gives the slanted
% unit vectors. You might check it on
% MATLAB etc. . I got it by guessing.
\draw[style=help lines,dashed] (-14,-14) grid[step=2cm] (14,14); % Draws a grid in the new coordinates.
% \filldraw[fill=gray, fill opacity=0.3, draw=black] (0,0) rectangle (2,2); % Puts the shaded rectangle
\foreach \x in {-7,-6,...,7}{ % Two indices running over each
\foreach \y in {-7,-6,...,7}{ % node on the grid we have drawn
\node[draw,circle,inner sep=2pt,fill] at (2*\x,2*\y) {}; % Places a dot at those points
\draw [ultra thick,-latex,red] (0,0) -- (0,2) node [above left] {$b_1$};
\draw [ultra thick,-latex,red] (0,0) -- (2,-2) node [below right] {$b_2$};
\draw [ultra thick,-latex,red] (0,0) -- ($(0,2)+(2,-2)$) node [below right] {$b_1+b_2$};
\draw [ultra thick,-latex,red] (0,0) -- ($2*(0,2)+(2,-2)$) node [above left] {2$b_1+b_2$};
\draw [thin,-latex,red, fill=gray, fill opacity=0.3] (0,0) -- ($2*(0,2)+(2,-2)$) --
($3*(0,2)+2*(2,-2)$) -- ($(0,2)+(2,-2)$) -- cycle;
\caption{Babai's algorithm works poorly if the basis is ``bad''.}
\clip (0,0) rectangle (10cm,10cm); % Clips the picture...
\pgftransformcm{1}{0.2}{0.7}{1.5}{\pgfpoint{3cm}{3cm}} % This is actually the transformation
% matrix entries that gives the slanted
% unit vectors. You might check it on
% MATLAB etc. . I got it by guessing.
\draw[style=help lines,dashed] (-14,-14) grid[step=1.5cm] (14,14); % Draws a grid in the new coordinates.
\filldraw[fill=gray, draw=black] (1.5,1.5) -- (3,3) -- (4.5,3) -- (3,1.5) -- cycle; % Puts the shaded rectangle
\foreach \x in {-7,-6,...,7}{ % Two indices running over each
\foreach \y in {-7,-6,...,7}{ % node on the grid we have drawn
\node[draw,circle,inner sep=2pt,fill] at (1.5*\x,1.5*\y) {}; % Places a dot at those points
\draw[ultra thick,red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (3,3) node [above ] {$2b_1+b_2$};
\draw[ultra thick,red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (3,1.5) node [below right] {$b_1+b_2$};
\draw[ultra thick,red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (1.5,3) node [left] {$b_1$};
\draw[ultra thick,red,->] (1.5,1.5) -- (3,0) node [below right] {$b_2$};
% We can define some nodes in the transformed coord. for later
\node (O) at (0,0) {};
% Back to original coordinates, we still know where (O) is!
\draw[->,thick] (O) -- ++(0,6);
\draw[->,thick] (O) -- ++(6,0);
\caption{Babai's algorithm works poorly if the basis is ``bad''.}