

.在 LaTeX 中,文本块中句号后默认插入的空格是什么?如果我enter在句号后按下(在我的 GUI 中开始新行)会怎样?



This is my text block.  I pressed spacebar twice before this sentence.

This is my text block. I pressed spacebar once before this sentence, but the spacing is the same.

This is my text block.
I pressed enter once before this sentence, and now the spacing is different.



TeX 通常会忽略空格,因此句子后面加一个、两个甚至十个空格都没有关系。TeX 标准情况下会在标点符号后加多个空格。您可以使用以下命令关闭此功能\frenchspacing

This is some text. This is some more text.

This is some text. This is some more text.


TeX 插入的空格实际上是可拉伸的空格,因此标点符号和下一个单词之间的间距将部分取决于行的其余部分。它不取决于您如何输入源代码。因此,在您发布的示例中,如果文本完全相同,则可以使间距相同:

This is my text block.  I pressed spacebar twice before this sentence.

% This has one line in the source
This is my text block. I pressed spacebar once before this sentence, but the spacing is the same.

% This one has two lines in the source.
This is my text block.
I pressed spacebar once before this sentence, but the spacing is the same.



请注意,在这个例子中,第一个句子中的 the 后面的空格.不同,因为第一个句子包含“twice”,而例子中的其他句子包含“once”。这个小差异足以影响间距。
