在 TikZ-PGF 中绘制钟形曲线

在 TikZ-PGF 中绘制钟形曲线




我会使用 pgfplots 来实现这一点,因为我发现它比“原始”TikZ 绘图函数更容易使用。要对曲线下的区域进行着色,请提供[domain=<xmin>:<xmax>]\addplot函数并在命令结束\closedcyle前添加。;\addplot



  no markers, domain=0:10, samples=100,
  axis lines*=left, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,
  every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south},
  every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west},
  height=5cm, width=12cm,
  xtick={4,6.5}, ytick=\empty,
  enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
  grid = major
  \addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=0:5.96] {gauss(6.5,1)} \closedcycle;
  \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gauss(4,1)};
  \addplot [very thick,cyan!50!black] {gauss(6.5,1)};

\draw [yshift=-0.6cm, latex-latex](axis cs:4,0) -- node [fill=white] {$1.96\sigma$} (axis cs:5.96,0);



如果你去这里http://thetarzan.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/tikz-diagrams-for-economists-a-normal-pdf-with-shaded-area/您将发现我用于绘制考试和讲义的正态曲线的代码片段。 在此处输入图片描述

% define normal distribution function 'normaltwo'

% input y parameter

% this line calculates f(y)

% Shade orange area underneath curve.
\fill [fill=orange!60] (2.6,0) -- plot[domain=0:4.4] (\normaltwo) -- ({\y},0) -- cycle;

% Draw and label normal distribution function
\draw[color=blue,domain=0:6] plot (\normaltwo) node[right] {};

% Add dashed line dropping down from normal.
\draw[dashed] ({\y},{\fy}) -- ({\y},0) node[below] {$y$};

% Optional: Add axis labels
\draw (-.2,2.5) node[left] {$f_Y(u)$};
\draw (3,-.5) node[below] {$u$};

% Optional: Add axes
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (6.2,0) node[right] {};
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (0,5) node[above] {};

