\texorpdfstring 中的双击 unicode 字符

\texorpdfstring 中的双击 unicode 字符

考虑以下示例(PDFLaTeX,TeXLive 2011):

% This isn't *stricly* necessary, of course...
  \def\ensuremath#1{\TextOrMath{\(\relax #1\)}{#1}}
% Common double-struck characters such as ℂ, ℍ, ℕ, ℙ, ℚ, ℝ and ℤ are
% set up to work by inputenc.sty.  They are in the range u+2102-2149
% along with some other characters that aren't in amsmath's blackboard
% bold font such as ⅆ and ⅈ.
\defTeXorMathorUnicodePDFcmd\CC{\mathbb C}{ℂ}



这个问题似乎与 pdf-viewer 有关。我明白了
