我列出的要点 (i)、(ii) 和 (iii) 等似乎也有些不合适,而且缺少一些行距?我该如何让我的文档整体看起来/对齐方式与下图类似?
\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter
\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers
\newtheorem{exmp}[thm]{Example} % same for example numbers
\title{\textbf{My Thesis Title}}
\author{My Name}
Picard's theorem is true if the following properties is valid:
(i) $x^2 =2$
(ii) $x^2 \Rightarrow e^2$
(iii) $\epsilon^2 = e^2$
All three conditions must hold in order for the theorem to be true, and there is an extra condition:
(iv)$ x^7$
$x^2$ closed under multiplication and addition.
\usepackage{amsthm}% http://ctan.org/pkg/amsthm
\usepackage{enumitem}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem
\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter
\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers
\newtheorem{exmp}[thm]{Example} % same for example numbers
\title{\textbf{My Thesis Title}}
\author{My Name}
Picard's theorem is true if the following properties is valid:
\item $x^2 =2$
\item $x^2 \Rightarrow e^2$
\item $\epsilon^2 = e^2$
\noindent All three conditions must hold in order for the theorem to be true, and there is an extra condition:
\item $x^7$
$x^2$ closed under multiplication and addition.
(就像我在段落“所有三个条件...”中所做的那样)。将其与段落“ $x^3=e^3=...
对于使用 修改环境enumerate
对列表使用 LaTeX 列表环境,并尽量避免在标题中使用明确的字体命令(文档类应该处理这个问题)就像这样:
\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter
\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers
\newtheorem{exmp}[thm]{Example} % same for example numbers
\title{My Thesis Title}
\author{My Name}
Picard's theorem is true if the following properties is valid:
\item $x^2 =2$
\item $x^2 \Rightarrow e^2$
\item $\epsilon^2 = e^2$
All three conditions must hold in order for the theorem to be true, and there is an extra condition:
\item $ x^7$
$x^2$ closed under multiplication and addition.