关于 amsart 的两个问题

关于 amsart 的两个问题




第二个问题是关于标题。是否可以构建一个不会出现在每页顶部的副标题(参见问题 1)。为了完整起见,这是我使用的模板:








%    Remove any unused author tags.

%    author one information

%    author two information

\subjclass[2000]{Primary }
%    For articles to be published after 1 January 2010, you may use
%    the following version:
%\subjclass[2010]{Primary }







问题 2 的原因如下:我想要一个这样的副标题:{\author} 的论文。有没有比这个更好的模板来实现这个目的?非常感谢您的帮助。



编辑:正如 mbrok 所建议的,这是我的代码:


    % \documentclass{amsart} says to use the AMS article document class.
    % [12pt,oneside] says to use the 12pt and oneside options.
    % If you don't want these options, just say \documentstyle{amsart}.

    % After the document class declaration comes the preamble.
    % The preamble begins here.


       % Next we use \newtheorem to specify our theorem-like environments
       % (theorem, definition, etc.) and how to display and number them.
       % Note: The \theoremstyle declarations affect the appearance of the
       % Theorems, Definitions, etc.



       % The preamble is also a good place to define new commands and macros.
       % This part of the preamble is strictly optional according to your taste.

          \newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}
          \newcommand{\N}{{\mathbb N}}
          \newcommand{\A}{{\marhcal A}}

       % The following mysterious maneuver gets rid of AMS junk at the top
       % and bottom of the first page.


    % This ends the preamble.  We now proceed to the document itself.


    % First we specify the top matter (author, title, etc).
    % Note: All of the top matter items are optional and can be omitted.
    % But you will probably want to specify at least the author and title
    % and perhaps an abstract.

       % author information

       % first author 

       \author{}      % 

       % second author


       % the address where the research was carried out
       % \address{}

       % current address, usually not needed because it is the same as the
       % regular address

       % \email{}

       % title


       % Note that the short title for running heads goes in square
       % brackets.  This is optional.  The long title goes in curly
       % braces.  In the long title, line breaks are indicated by \\.

       % abstract (optional)


       % AMS subject classifications (used in AMS journals)
       \subjclass[2010]{Primary 46N30; Secondary 46E30,54D30}

       % AMS keywords (used in AMS journals)

       % acknowledge support, etc
       % \thanks{This research was partially supported by NSF grant
       %  DOA-123456789.}
       % \thanks{We would like to thank our colleagues for their helpful
       %  criticism.}

       % dedication

       % today's date, or fill in whatever date you prefer

    % This ends the top matter information.
    % We can now tell LaTeX to display the top matter.


    % Having displayed the top matter, we now proceed to the body of the
    % article.

    % The body of the article is divided into sections.
    % Each section begins with a \section command.



  1. 尝试以下oneside选项:

  2. 尝试

    \title[Title for running head]{Title for the first page}




\author[A.\,U. Thor]{Andrew U. Thor}
\title[Short title]{A longish, baroque-style title}
\xdef\shorttitle{\shorttitle{} -- Thesis of \noexpand\MakeUppercase{\shortauthors}}




