


问题:我从 Inkscape 导出了一条路径的 TikZ 代码;然后,我想在 中使用它tikzpicture。如果我把它放在 中tikzpicture,使用x,y参数缩放,在 中,这很容易\node。但我想使用路径进行剪辑,如果路径在\nodetikzpicture或其他中,这是不可能的\scope


\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.8pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\begin{scope}[shift={(-80.842417,-451.55478)}]% layer1
 % path9658
  \path[draw=black,fill=black,miter limit=4.00,nonzero rule,line width=2.400pt]
(176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
(82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
(196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
(258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
(323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
(434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
(402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) -- (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
(540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
(451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
(460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
(232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
(419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
(192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
(176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;









\node[anchor=center,inner sep=0pt,text width=7cm] at (0,0) {\BODY};
{\clip (0,0) circle[radius=2];
\node[anchor=center,fill=black,inner sep=0pt,text width=7cm]  at (0,0) {\color{white}\BODY};


One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.





\clip[shift={(0,-2)},scale=2] (0,0) to[out=0,in=225] (1,1) to[out=45,in=270] (0.5,2) to[out=90,in=180] (-1,1) to[out=0,in=0] (0,0);



如果比例改为 1:

\clip[shift={(0,-2)},scale=1] (0,0) to[out=0,in=225] (1,1) to[out=45,in=270] (0.5,2) to[out=90,in=180] (-1,1) to[out=0,in=0] (0,0);





-- 将文本节点放置在tikzpicture其正常颜色中(现在为黑色):


\node[anchor=center] at (10,10) {
                One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.\par

-- 启动一个范围,您可以在其中缩放和定位路径(最初从 Inkscape 导出)。使用shift参数定位,使用xy参数缩放:

\scope[shift={(-30,-70)},y=4pt, x=4pt]

-- 放置路径一次以用自定义颜色填充:

(176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
(82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
(196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
(258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
(323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
(434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
(402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) -- (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
(540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
(451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
(460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
(232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
(419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
(192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
(176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;

-- 再次插入路径,因为在这种情况下clipfill无法一起工作:

  (176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
  (82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
  (196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
  (258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
  (323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
  (434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
  (402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) -- (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
  (540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
  (451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
  (460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
  (232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
  (419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
  (192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
  (176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;

-- 现在来谈谈诀窍:\scope在第一个里面再放一个。但是这个\scope有完全相反的shift参数,所以我们回到原来的位置。x应该y是 10 毫米,我其实不明白,因为这个 tikzpicture 的单位大小是 1 毫米。


-- 在这里面\scope,我放置了相同的节点或任何 tikz 对象,我想要剪辑,但这里的颜色是白色:

\node[anchor=center] at (10,10) {
                One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.\par

-- 最后,关闭两个范围:



\tikzstyle{default}=[anchor=north west,text width=79mm,inner sep=0pt,text height=85mm]
\tikzset{grid/.style={gray,very thin,opacity=1}}


\node[anchor=center] at (10,10) {
            One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.\par

\scope[shift={(-30,-70)},y=4pt, x=4pt]
(176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
(82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
(196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
(258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
(323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
(434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
(402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) -- (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
(540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
(451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
(460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
(232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
(419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
(192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
(176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;
  (176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
  (82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
  (196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
  (258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
  (323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
  (434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
  (402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) -- (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
  (540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
  (451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
  (460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
  (232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
  (419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
  (192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
  (176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;

    \node[anchor=center] at (10,10) {
                    One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.\par




这里有一种可能性。在解释我的解决方案之前。我的代码是为 pdflatex 编写的,但您可以修改它以与 xelatex 一起使用。我需要解释一下您的代码的一些问题。关于geometry您可以简化和删除很多行。关于这TikZ xcolor一点color更重要,因为您可能会遇到一些问题。首先TikZ加载xcolorxcolor加载“color . In you case,\usepackage{tikz} is enough but if you want to use some defined colors the best way is to use\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames,svgnames}{xcolor} before\usepackage{tikz}”。


然后,您将文本放置在 中minipage,但TikZ可以自行执行此操作。使用文本节点,您只需通过 指定宽度text width = \textwidth-1em。您可以使用 指定字体font = \fontsize{12}{13}\selectfont}。您会两次使用这些选项,分别用于黑色和白色文本,因此最好将这些选项保存在本地样式 中[every node/.style=

现在的问题是如何正确放置不同的对象。您的方法太复杂了。首先您使用, [yscale=-0.1,xscale=0.1]但这仅适用于导入形状,然后将第一个节点放置在(10,10)但为什么不放置在(0,0)(默认)。我把这个节点放在,(0,0)并将其命名为(txt),现在很容易将白色文本放在完全相同的位置。

现在我们需要放置导入形状(对我来说是红色)。你做的一件好事是使用x=...y=.....我使用是x = .4pt, y = -.4pt因为我结合0.1 and -0.14pt and 4pt

我对此不太满意,shift = {(-4,8)}因为我认为可以自动添加一些东西,但我的第一个想法很复杂。这是导入形状的问题,来源不好,但也许我错了。




    \newcommand\mytext{One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found 
himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and
 if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by 
arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide
 off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him,
 waved about helplessly as he looked. ``What's happened to me?'' he thought.}

    \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={text width = \textwidth-1em,
                                           font       = \fontsize{12}{13}\selectfont}]
    \node (txt) {\mytext};       
    \begin{scope}[shift = {(-4,8)},
                  x     = .4pt,
                  y     = -.4pt,
                  fill  = red]
    (176.9112,753.3085) .. controls (175.1937,738.0045) and (80.1970,487.6617) ..
     (82.4016,472.4964) .. controls (85.5629,452.1139) and (188.0374,667.3609) ..
    (196.4229,648.5539) .. controls (204.3755,630.7243) and (242.5487,465.7141) ..
    (258.1298,454.3997) .. controls (285.7640,437.3259) and (291.8933,586.8805) ..
    (323.4463,583.2517) .. controls (380.2399,578.2668) and (378.0147,580.5031) ..
    (434.9882,579.8586) .. controls (450.4961,579.6976) and (387.4331,461.0306) ..
    (402.9416,460.9527) -- (556.6130,579.1701) --  (556.6130,579.1701) .. controls
    (540.5924,579.1263) and (524.5716,579.1241) .. (508.5512,579.2478) .. controls
    (451.6441,579.7674) and (548.2176,721.0517) .. (491.4945,726.0884) .. controls
    (460.5044,729.6884) and (275.0470,592.3333) .. (247.7567,608.7835) .. controls
    (232.2688,619.7789) and (435.5657,765.3166) .. (427.5294,782.8032) .. controls
    (419.1556,801.4606) and (197.8962,687.4329) .. (194.9239,707.7216) .. controls
    (192.8788,722.7147) and (191.3417,737.9821) .. (193.8339,753.0290) --
    (176.9112,753.3085) -- cycle;

    \node[white] at (txt) {\mytext};  

