

我遇到了以下问题,这个问题已经困扰我很长时间了。使用amsbook类,无论您打算将其用于什么用途,最终您都会将页眉变成大写,例如,PREFACE,...,BIBLIOGRAPHY,... 不用说,目录列表只是绘制了 Preface,...,Bibliography;到目前为止一切顺利。现在,假设我们要使用chapterbib,结合其选项sectionbib,将参考书目部分包含在我们每个章节中。然后,这些将再次在我们的内容列表中打印为参考书目 - 不一定编号,这很公平 - 属于我们的章节。然而,出于某种奇怪的原因,属于参考书目部分的页眉现在显示参考书目,而不是人们可能期望的大写 BIBLIOGRAPHY。我的问题是:我们如何将它们变成大写?请注意,这个问题应该amsbook仅在使用类的上下文中处理。

此外,简单地放入\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\bibname}}{\MakeUppercase{\bibname}}要包含的每个章节文件(以下\bibliography)并没有真正的帮助 - 它只会更改参考书目部分最后一页的页眉。






\title{An Example}






% This is preface.tex


Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.
Test \cite{Kalman1960}. Test \cite{KalmanBucy1961}. Test \cite{LukesRussell1969}.
Test \cite{Komornik1994}. Test \cite{Lions1988a}. Test \cite{Gearhart1978}.
Test \cite{Huang1985}. Test \cite{Pruss1984}. Test \cite{HutsonPym1980}.
Test \cite{Kreyszig1978}. Test \cite{ReedSimon1972}. Test \cite{TaylorLay1980}.
Test \cite{Evans1998}. Test \cite{Gustafson1980}. Test \cite{RenardyRogers2004}.
Test \cite{Balakrishnan1974}.


% This is BibLioTest.bib
@article {Kalman1960,
    AUTHOR = {Kalman, R. E.},
     TITLE = {Contributions to the theory of optimal control},
   JOURNAL = {Bolet{\'i}n de la Sociedad Matem{\'a}tica Mexicana},
    VOLUME = {5},
      YEAR = {1960},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {102--119},

@article {KalmanBucy1961,
    AUTHOR = {Kalman, R. E. and Bucy, R. S.},
     TITLE = {New results in linear filtering and prediction theory},
   JOURNAL = {Transactions of the ASME. Series D: Journal of Basic Engineering},
    VOLUME = {83},
      YEAR = {1961},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {95--108},

@article {LukesRussell1969,
    AUTHOR = {Lukes, D. L. and Russell, D. L.},
     TITLE = {The quadratic criterion for distributed systems},
   JOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Control},
    VOLUME = {7},
      YEAR = {1969},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {101--121},

@book {Komornik1994,
    AUTHOR = {Komornik, V.},
     TITLE = {Exact {C}ontrollability and {S}tabilization: The {M}ultiplier {M}ethod},
    SERIES = {Research in Applied Mathematics (RAM)},
 PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons},
   ADDRESS = {Chichester, West Sussex, UK},
      YEAR = {1994},

@book {Lions1988a,
    AUTHOR = {Lions, J.-L.},
     TITLE = {Contr\^olabilit\'e Exacte, Perturbations et Stabilisation de Syst\`emes Distribu\'es. {T}ome 1: Contr\^olabilit\'e Exacte},
      NOTE = {(In French)},
    SERIES = {Recherches en Math\'ematiques Appliqu\'ees (RMA)},
    VOLUME = {8},
 PUBLISHER = {Masson},
   ADDRESS = {Paris, France},
      YEAR = {1988},

@article {Gearhart1978,
    AUTHOR = {Gearhart, L.},
     TITLE = {Spectral theory for contraction semigroups on {H}ilbert space},
   JOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {236},
      YEAR = {1978},
     PAGES = {385--394},

@article {Huang1985,
    AUTHOR = {Huang, F. L.},
     TITLE = {Characteristic conditions for exponential stability of linear dynamical systems in {H}ilbert spaces},
   JOURNAL = {Annals of Differential Equations},
    VOLUME = {1},
      YEAR = {1985},
    NUMBER = {1},
     PAGES = {43--56},

@article {Pruss1984,
    AUTHOR = {Pr{\"u}ss, J.},
     TITLE = {On the spectrum of {$C_0$}-semigroups},
   JOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
    VOLUME = {284},
      YEAR = {1984},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {847--857},

@book {HutsonPym1980,
    AUTHOR = {Hutson, V. and Pym, J. S.},
     TITLE = {Applications of {F}unctional {A}nalysis and {O}perator {T}heory},
    SERIES = {Mathematics in Science and Engineering},
    VOLUME = {146},
 PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {1980},

@book {Kreyszig1978,
    AUTHOR = {Kreyszig, E.},
     TITLE = {Introductory {F}unctional {A}nalysis with {A}pplications},
 PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {1978},

@book {ReedSimon1972,
    AUTHOR = {Reed, M. and Simon, B.},
     TITLE = {Methods of {M}odern {M}athematical {P}hysics.\ {I}: {F}unctional {A}nalysis},
 PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {1972},

@book {TaylorLay1980,
    AUTHOR = {Taylor, A. E. and Lay, D. C.},
     TITLE = {Introduction to {F}unctional {A}nalysis},
 PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {1980},

@book {Evans1998,
    AUTHOR = {Evans, L. C.},
     TITLE = {Partial {D}ifferential {E}quations},
    SERIES = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {19},
 PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society (AMS)},
   ADDRESS = {Providence, RI, USA},
      YEAR = {1998},

@book {Gustafson1980,
    AUTHOR = {Gustafson, K. E.},
     TITLE = {Introduction to {P}artial {D}ifferential {E}quations and {H}ilbert {S}pace {M}ethods},
 PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {1980},

@book {RenardyRogers2004,
    AUTHOR = {Renardy, M. and Rogers, R. C.},
     TITLE = {An {I}ntroduction to {P}artial {D}ifferential {E}quations},
    SERIES = {Texts in Applied Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {13},
 PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
   ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
      YEAR = {2004},

@article {Balakrishnan1974,
    AUTHOR = {Balakrishnan, A. V.},
     TITLE = {Stochastic optimization theory in {H}ilbert spaces -- I},
   JOURNAL = {Applied Mathematics \& Optimization},
    VOLUME = {1},
      YEAR = {1974},
    NUMBER = {2},
     PAGES = {97--120},




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