




\newcommand{\asdf}{do something}

% doesn't conflict with the above \asdf command because it's in a different
% namespace.
% this actually does \newcommand{\@foo@cmd@asdf}{do something else}
\newfoocommand{\asdf}{do something else}


% expands to "do something"
% expands to "zzz"
% causes: ERROR: Undefined control sequence.

  % is interpreted as \@foo@cmd@asdf and expands to "do something else"
  % expands to "zzz" because \@foo@cmd@zzz isn't defined
  % is interpreted as \@foo@cmd@jkl and expands to "blahblah"

% expands to "do something"
% expands to "zzz"
% causes: ERROR: Undefined control sequence.




\NewDocumentCommand{\newenvcommand}{ m m } % #1 = env name, #2 = command name
   \cs_if_exist:cF { g_envc_#1_list_tl } { \tl_new:c { g_envc_#1_list_tl } }
   \tl_gput_right:cn { g_envc_#1_list_tl } { #2 }
   \exp_after:wN \newcommand \cs:w envc_#1_\cs_to_str:N #2 \cs_end:
\NewDocumentCommand{\checkenvcommands}{ }
   \cs_if_exist:cT { g_envc_\use:c {@currenvir} _list_tl }
      \tl_map_inline:cn { g_envc_\use:c {@currenvir} _list_tl }
        { \cs_set_eq:Nc ##1 { envc_\use:c {@currenvir} _\cs_to_str:N ##1 } }

\newcommand{\asdf}[1]{OUTER DEF - arg is #1}
\newenvcommand{foo}{\asdf}[1]{FOO INNER DEF - arg is #1}
\newenvcommand{baz}{\asdf}[1]{BAZ INNER DEF - arg is #1}








> \asdf=\long macro:
#1->OUTER DEF - arg is #1.
l.28 \show\asdf

> \asdf=\long macro:
#1->FOO INNER DEF - arg is #1.
l.31 \show\asdf

> \asdf=\long macro:
#1->OUTER DEF - arg is #1.
l.34 \show\asdf

> \asdf=\long macro:
#1->BAZ INNER DEF - arg is #1.
l.37 \show\asdf

该实现与 David 的类似,但不需要为\<env>@let每个需要“本地”含义的环境定义一个宏。\checkenvcommands在这些环境中只需要一个宏。





\newcommand{\asdf}{do something}

\par FOO\par\hrule


\expandafter\newcommand\csname foo\string#1\endcsname}

\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname foo\string#1\endcsname}


% doesn't conflict with the above \asdf command because it's in a different
% namespace.
% this actually does \newcommand{\@foo@cmd@asdf}{do something else}
\newfoocommand{\asdf}{do something else}


% expands to "do something"
% expands to "zzz"
% causes: ERROR: Undefined control sequence.

  % is interpreted as \@foo@cmd@asdf and expands to "do something else"
  % expands to "zzz" because \@foo@cmd@zzz isn't defined
  % is interpreted as \@foo@cmd@jkl and expands to "blahblah"



这是 David Carlisle 解决方案的扩展。我已将其包含在期权包裹。

  \ifcsndefTF{#1}{}{\cpt@err{Environment '#1' is undefined}\@ehc}%
  \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax
% #1 = environment name; #2 = command

% Examples:
\newcommand{\asdf}{do something}
  \endgraf\hrule width#1 depth0pt height.4pt
  \textsc{This is \texttt{\textcolor{red}{foo}} environment}\\[.5ex]
  Arg 1: {\tt\detokenize{#1}}\\Arg 2: {\tt\detokenize{#2}}\\
  % Use argument 2 of this colony at exit. This is usually not possible
  % by LaTeX's \newenvironment:  
  Do something else. Arg 1 of {\tt\string\asdf}: {\tt\detokenize{#1}}%
\newcolonycmd{foo}{\jkl}{blah blah}

% \asdf expands to "do something": we aren't in environment 'foo'
% \zzz expands to "zzz"
% Undefined control sequence: we aren't in environment 'foo' and 
% \jkl isn't defined outside 'foo'.

\def\showcmd#1{{\tt\string#1}: #1}

\begin{foo}[.5\hsize]{this value}

