Linux Libertine Biolinum xelatex 和 lualatex

Linux Libertine Biolinum xelatex 和 lualatex


\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Capitals O}]{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont[SmallCapsFont={Linux Biolinum Capitals O}]{Linux Biolinum O}
\noindent Linux Biolinum sans serif text followed by {\scshape Sans serif Small Caps text.} {\scshape Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}


\noindent Linux Libertine serif text followed by {\scshape Sans serif Small Caps text.} {\scshape Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}

它编译xelatex但不与lualatex.我的fontspec包给出 \ProvidesPackage{fontspec} [2011/09/18 v2.2a Advanced font selection for XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX]

安装是基于 64 位每日更新的 TeX Live 2011 安装。


! Improper `at' size (0.0pt), replaced by 10pt.
<to be read again> 
l.10 ...inum sans serif text followed by {\scshape
                                                   Sans serif Small Caps tex...


问题 2:PDF 输出中没有带长音符号的小型大写字母“a”。我刚刚还注意到不是tt小型大写字母。查看此结果

我已经在 Linux Libertine 项目页面上报告了此行为,但由于没有收到回复,我想确保这不是我的使用错误。



您的文档无法在我的系统上使用 XeLaTeX 编译,因此我无法比较 LuaLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX。


\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont={Linux Libertine Capitals O}]{Linux Libertine O}

对于 OpenType 字体,小写字母包含在主字体中。因此没有理由明确提及不同的字体。Linux Libertine 至少内置了它们。然后Linux Libertine Capitals O我的系统上没有字体,我不认为我已经明确删除了它们。

据我所知,Linux Libertine 的字体中没有小写字母 ā。因此无法显示它。(不过你可以伪造它。)

这里不存在小 tt 的问题,所以我也无法对此发表评论。但我猜正确的答案是 Herbert 所评论的:



\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX,Numbers=OldStyle}% ,Scale=MatchLowercase} bug in current Biolinum
\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}
\setsansfont{Linux Biolinum O}


\noindent Linux Libertine serif text followed by {\scshape Sans serif Small Caps text.} {\scshape Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}


\noindent Linux Biolinum sans serif text followed by {\scshape Sans serif Small Caps text.} {\scshape Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}






\noindent Linux Biolinum sans serif text followed by \Lsmcp{Sans serif Small Caps text.} \Lsmcp{Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}

\noindent Linux Libertine serif text followed by \Lsmcp{Sans serif Small Caps text.} \Lsmcp{Small Caps disappear when diacritics are used like a macron above a in anāchron: note the small letter for the ā instead of a Small Caps version.}
