这是 LaTeX 文件:
\begin{longtabu}to \linewidth{X|XXX}
{\em Type} & {\em Form} & {\em Example} & Function \\
{\em Type} & {\em Form} & {\em Example} & Function \\
{\em Type} & {\em Form} & {\em Example} & Function \\
{\em Type} & {\em Form} & {\em Example} & Function \\
reaction & millibarns & {\tt millibarns} & All total cross
sections for the reaction are in millibarns.\\
& sigma(n1,n2) & {\tt sigma(.5,1)} & \\
energy & fractional error& {\tt fractional error}& The error for the
total cross section is multiplied by the total cross
section. \\
& per cent error & {\tt per cent error} & The error for the
total cross section is multiplied by $0.01\sigma$. \\
& shift & {\tt shift smith77} & The blank delimited
characters comprise the energy shift identifier.\\
& variable energy\newline free energy & {\tt variable energy
= engy7} & The blank delimited characters identify the energy
as free to vary. \\
& reverse particles & {\tt reverse particles} & The order
of the initial particles is reversed. \\
& points & {\tt 5 points} & The data is energy-averaged
over 5 points. \\
& resolution & {\tt resolution = .05} & Resolution is
half the width in MeV of the experimental energy resolution
for the energy-averaged.{\bf [CHECK!]} \\
& Gaussian & {\tt gaussian} & Data is energy-averaged
assuming Gaussian energy distribution. \\
observable & label\newline header & {\tt label = Smith Ayy} & This is
the label printed with the observable. Only 56 characters are
printed. No directive is allowed on the line after the
label. \\
& reference & {\tt reference = np(1963)} & If a reference
is given it is printed on the output after label. No
directive is allowed on the line after reference.\\
& operators & {\tt operators xy 1 1 lz} & Listed in order
of particles. The character `1' is necessary to denote the
unit matrix. The literal `l' denotes lab angle
dependence. \\
& & {\tt operators (xy,1)lz} & Listed in order
2(1,3)4. The character `1' is not necessary to denote the
unit matrix. \\
& constant multiplier factor & {\tt factor = 2.0} &
Multiplies operator. \\
& squared multiplier & {\tt squared = 3.0} & Square root of
the number multiplies the operator. \\
& type\newline denominator & {\tt type = 2} & {\tt type =
0} for cross sections \newline {\tt type = 1} for
obs = $\frac{\tr AO_iA^\dag O_f}{\tr AA^\dag}$
\newline {\tt type = 2} for obs = $\frac{\tr AO_i A^\dag
O_f}{\tr AO_iA^\dag}$ \newline For cross sections default
{\tt type = 0} \newline For other obs default {\tt type =
1}. \\
$ latex test-longtabu.tex
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Copyright (c) 2001 The American Physical Society.
mailto:[email protected]
Licensed under the LPPL:
Arthur Ogawa <[email protected]>
Based on work by David Carlisle <[email protected]>.
ltxutil: portions licensed from W. E. Baxter ([email protected])
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[]\OT1/cmr/m/n/9 Data is energy-averaged
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\OT1/cmr/m/n/9 as-sum-ing Gaus-sian en-ergy
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\newcommand{\tr}{\mbox{Tr }}
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