您建议将“I”和下一个单词之间的间距设置为什么值?更重要的是,我应该将下一行设置为更靠近还是更远离首字母?(我想更近更好 - 但是多少?)如果有人好奇的话,我正在使用 Linux Libertine,但我不会期望“正确”值会随着字体而发生很大变化。
在答案中,如果您不仅对这两个特定问题给出了一些建议答案,而且还给出了一些关于如何明智地选择这些值的一般提示,我会非常高兴。(也许把这个问题变成 cw 是个好主意?)
不是一个真正的答案,而是对 Yannis 答案的后续:下面是我如何使用XeLaTeX
(和EB 加拉蒙德lhang
字体)。我会让衬线和左边距的圆角 O 稍微宽一些,以便获得更好的视觉对齐效果。我还喜欢第一个单词的间距紧密( findent
使它们在视觉上延伸到大写字母的高度。(特别是,我不喜欢 Yannis 示例中的“O”只达到“n”的高度。)
\setmainfont{EB Garamond}
% Need to specify a config file to use \LettrineOptionsFor, even if it is
% not used.
loversize=0.09, % Slightly larger to extend up to cap height
findent=0pt, % No indent for first line for word "in"
nindent=0.25em, % Indent second line (no "ibook"'s here)
lhang=0.2} % Hang serifs into the margin for optical alignment
loversize=0.08, % Slightly larger to extend up to cap height
lraise=-0.01, % Lower slightly for optical alignment
findent=-0.2em, % Negative indent to make "On" like a word
nindent=0.4em, % Indent second line (partially cancel negative indent)
slope=-0.25em, % Bring third line back a bit (maybe too fussy?)
lhang=0.1} % Hang it out for optical alignment
\lettrine[lines=2]{I}{}t is a pleasure to record my thanks to the people who
contributed to this book. The indelible traces of wonderful teachers and
friends are imprinted on each page, and the existence of this project is
unimaginable to me without their help.
\lettrine[lines=3]{O}{}n 19 July 1925 Druze farmers shot down a French
surveillance airplane circling above their mountain home, Jabal
\d{H}awr\^an, some 1000 kilometers south of Damascus.\textsuperscript{1}
These ere the first shots of a revolt that would last two years, beginning
and ending in Jabal \d{H}awr\^an.
宽 1pt,但“O”有三行高,而“I”只有两行。