PGF 键 .initial 和 .default 之间的差异

PGF 键 .initial 和 .default 之间的差异

仅通过阅读手册,我不太清楚和 PGF 键类型之间的细微差别.initial.default有人能用一个简单的例子来解释和演示这些差别吗?


它们有两种不同的用途:使用 定义的键/.initial=<value or string>是值存储键,其初始值设置为<value or string>


两者类似,但并不等同。一个键可以同时具有一个值(可以使用 进行查询)\pgfkeysvalueof{/key}和一个代码(当您使用 调用该键时将运行该代码)\pgfkeys{/key}

如果没有.code定义,则可以使用.initial或 ,.default其行为几乎相同:使用\pgfkeys{/key/.initial=value}或设置值\pgfkeys{/key/.default=value},使用 查询值\pgfkeys{/key}。但是,如果您已定义.code,以及使用 的值.initial,则要查询需要调用 的值\pgfkeysvalueof{/key}


%% Case 1: We want a key to store a value

% Just passing a value to an undefined key fails:

% It first needs to be initialised

% Then we can get the value

% After the key has been initialised, we can change the stored value using simple assignments

%% Case 2: We want a key to execute code using the argument
\pgfkeys{secondkey/.code=Your argument: \textbf{#1}}
\pgfkeys{secondkey=Some words}

% If we don't use an argument, it's assumed to be empty

% We can provide a default value to be used if no argument is provided:

% Let's define a .code key that just returns the argument...
% ...and give it an initial value...
% ...and a default argument

% If we query the value, we get "green"
% If we run the code, we get "red"








%% Create the keys, default values, etc.
  /mythingy/.is family, /mythingy,
  usecolor/.default = green,
  usecolor/.code = {You have chosen to use the color #1.},
  usecolor/.initial = purple,

%% Create a command that will use the keys
  \pgfkeys{/mythingy, #1}   %% The usecolor/.code is executed
  \pgfkeysvalueof{/mythingy/usecolor}   %% Retrieves only the VALUE of the usecolor key

%% Use the command along with the keys in various different manners

\textbf{Attempt 1}:\\
%% Here, the usecolor/.code is executed using "blue" as the argument


\textbf{Attempt 2}:\\
%% Here, the usecolor/.code is execute using the /.default argument value "green"


\textbf{Attempt 3}:\\
%% Here, the usecolor key is initialized to the /.initial value "purple"
%% However, the usecolor/.code is not executed !!!










  /mypainter/.is family, /mypainter,
  drawcircle/.default = true,
  drawcircle/.code = {%
        \draw (0,0) circle[radius=\pgfkeysvalueof{/mypainter/drawcircle}];
  drawcircle/.initial = 1cm,

  Executing {\ttfamily drawcircle/.code}: \pgfkeys{/mypainter, #1}
  Value of key {\ttfamily drawcircle}: \pgfkeysvalueof{/mypainter/drawcircle}

\textbf{Attempt 1}:\\


\textbf{Attempt 2}:\\


\textbf{Attempt 3}:\\
%% The order of the "keys" is important here (try switching the two)
\mypainter[drawcircle/.initial=2cm, drawcircle]


\textbf{Attempt 4}:\\
%% Notice the drawcircle/.initial now remains set to 2cm !!!


\textbf{Attempt 5}:\\



drawcircle 示例的输出
