更改 koma-script scrlttr2 类中的 \closing 缩进

更改 koma-script scrlttr2 类中的 \closing 缩进

科摩文字母类 scrrttr2 默认使用 DIN 5008 字母格式。


我该如何配置它以便它能够一切在字母主体块左侧?据我所知,这与 DIN 5008 并不矛盾。我尝试阅读 koma-script 指南,但我找到的有关更改块位置的所有内容都引用了伪间距的“高级用户”部分。我不是高级用户。我甚至不是初学者,事实上 DIN.lco 文件已经将 sigindent 设置为 0 毫米,所以我不知道为什么它坚持要缩进这一行。





\setkomavar{fromname}{Ole Nordmann}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Storebakken 15 \\ 5500 Haugesund}
\setkomavar{fromphone}{+47 5222 8183}


\begin{letter}{Christine Lagarde \\ Director \\ International Monetary Fund
\\ 700 19th Street, N.W. \\ Washington, D.C. 20431 \\ United States of America}

\setkomavar{subject}{Request for a loan}
\opening{Dear Ms. Lagarde,}

Attached please find my application for a home loan. Since the financial crisis, my family and I have been living in a tent. We're hopeful that in this fifth year, you'll see fit to grant us the credit we need to start our new life.\\

In 2009, my income for the year was almost zero.\\

In 2010, my mortgage was foreclosed on, the house seized by the bank, rented to Korean drug lords, turned into a marijuana grow operation, raided by police, then razed and the leftover wood thrown into a chipper. As a result, the rental income in 2010 for the basement suite was limited and went mostly to cover court costs.\\

I trust nonetheless that my prior years as a reliable debtor will give you sufficient confidence to accept this loan risk.

\encl{loan application, gift certificate for chocolate}














\setkomavar{fromname}{Ole Nordmann}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Storebakken 15 \\ 5500 Haugesund}
\setkomavar{fromphone}{+47 5222 8183}



\begin{letter}{Christine Lagarde \\ Director \\ International Monetary Fund
\\ 700 19th Street, N.W. \\ Washington, D.C. 20431 \\ United States of America}

\setkomavar{subject}{Request for a loan}
\opening{Dear Ms. Lagarde,}

Attached please find my application for a home loan. Since the financial crisis, my family and I have been living in a tent. We're hopeful that in this fifth year, you'll see fit to grant us the credit we need to start our new life.

In 2009, my income for the year was almost zero.

In 2010, my mortgage was foreclosed on, the house seized by the bank, rented to Korean drug lords, turned into a marijuana grow operation, raided by police, then razed and the leftover wood thrown into a chipper. As a result, the rental income in 2010 for the basement suite was limited and went mostly to cover court costs.

I trust nonetheless that my prior years as a reliable debtor will give you sufficient confidence to accept this loan risk.

\encl{loan application, gift certificate for chocolate}


