徽标(位于西北侧)和两个徽标之间的文本(部门……等)从第 1 页到第 2 页没有保持相同的对齐方式。但从第 2 页开始情况良好。换句话说,徽标和文本从第 1 页到第 2 页略微向左移动,然后保持稳定。
1,Dr,Abdul Ali,Asst. Prof., E \& I,Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry - 605 014
1,Dr,Abdul Ali,Asst. Prof., E \& I,Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry - 605 014
1,Dr,Abdul Ali,Asst. Prof., E \& I,Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry - 605 014
标志:pec_emblem 和 AICTE4;
\hyphenpenalty 100000
\input Zallman.fd
\hfill \parbox[t]{2.2in}{\shortstack{\vrule width 2.2in height 0.4pt\\\small#2}}}
\def\sigskip{\vskip0.4in plus 0.1in}
\def\beginskip{\vskip0.5875in plus 0.1in}
\dg=degree, \name=Name, \dgn=Dgn, \sub=subject, \inst=inst, \place=place}{%
%---------------------My problem lies here------------------
%\noindent % These have no effect on my problem
%\hspace{-40pt} % This works out very badly
\noindent % Has no effect on my problem
%---------------------My problem lies here------------------
{\LARGE\bfseries {\color{other}{\fontfamily{pzc}\selectfont{Department of Computer Science \& Engineering}}}}\\[0.6em]
{\LARGE\bfseries {\color{phd}{{Pondicherry Engineering College}}}}\\[0.3em]
{\calligra Puducherry} -- {\calligra 605 014\\}}
\hspace*{\fill} % A futile attempt to correct the problem
{\Large\bfseries \color{title}{Certificate of Participation}}\par
This is to certify that \, \uuline{\emph{\large\sffamily\bfseries\color{name}{{{\color{magenta}\fontfamily{frc}\selectfont{\dg. \name}}}}}}, { \dgn}
of {\sub}, {\inst}, {\place},
has successfully participated in the two week AICTE sponsored Staff Development Program
on ``\emph{\color{phd}{Design Of Embedded Systems – Issues \& Challenges}}'' %sponsored by AICTE and
organized by Department of Computer Science \&
Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, from
16\textsuperscript{th} to 27\textsuperscript{th} April 2012.}
\sigskip \signature{}{Dr. Ka. Selvaradjou \\ Co-ordinator\phantom{p} }
\sigskip \signature{}{\phantom{j}Dr. E. Ilavarasan\phantom{j} \\ \phantom{p}Co-ordinator\phantom{p} }
\sigskip \signature{}{\phantom{j}Dr. N. Sreenath\phantom{j} \\ \phantom{p}Professor \& Head, CSE\phantom{p} }
\sigskip \signature{}{Prof. V. Prithiviraj \\ Principal }
当我将第 1 页和第 2 页叠加在一起时(第一页并不完全叠在一起),我得到了以下结果:
第二个(第 2 页和第 3 页重叠)是可以的。
我似乎已经通过将 datactl 循环的开头移到 更改之前\linesrpread
和 之后来修复了这个问题\begin{landscape}
\parindent 0pt
\dg=degree, \name=Name, \dgn=Dgn, \sub=subject, \inst=inst, \place=place}{%
\TileWallPaper{1\paperwidth}{1\paperheight}{g1cU7}%Border-2 and 15
%---------------------My problem lies here------------------
%\noindent % These have no effect on my problem
%\hspace{-40pt} % This works out very badly