我有一张 tikz 图片。这是一张图表。我创建了一个演示文稿,它在演示文稿中显示正确。因此,代码是正确的。但现在我正在制作学位作品,我有
\tikzset{VertexStyleOrange/.style = {
shape = circle,
ball color = orange,
inner sep = 1pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 1 pt}}
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shape = circle,
ball color = blue,
inner sep = 1pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 1 pt}}
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double = blue,
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double = orange,
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\draw[EdgeStyle](6) to node{}(9);
\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents}
I want to tell you about smth...
\tikzset{VertexStyleOrange/.style = {
shape = circle,
ball color = orange,
inner sep = 1pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 1 pt}}
\tikzset{VertexStyleBlue/.style = {
shape = circle,
ball color = blue,
inner sep = 1pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 1 pt}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyleBlue/.style = {thick,
double = blue,
double distance = 1pt}}
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double = orange,
double distance = 1pt}}
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即使删除 \begin{center} 后图片也不会显示
I want to tell you about smth...
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {
shape = circle,
ball color = #1,
inner sep = 1pt,
outer sep = 0pt,
minimum size = 1 pt}}
\tikzset{EdgeStyle/.style = {thick,
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(1) to (2)
(2) to (3)
(3) to (4)
(4) to (1)
(1) to (3)
(4) to (2);
(1) to (0)
(2) to (0)
(5) to (3)
(4) to (5)
(11) to (7)
(11) to (8)
(6) to (10)
(6) to (9);