1 为您提供覆盖规范

1 为您提供覆盖规范







\tikzset{visib/.style={rectangle,color=blue,fill=blue!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=flush center}}
\tikzset{invisib/.style={rectangle,color=gray,fill=gray!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=flush center}}




\node<#1>[#2=#3] (X) {#4};


  • 1 为您提供覆盖规范

  • 2 其中风格你正在用吗 (可见或者隐形

  • 3 块的宽度

  • 4 您想要放入块中的文本。





% command to highlight text in orange

\tikzset{visib/.style={rectangle,color=blue,fill=blue!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=flush center}}
\tikzset{invisib/.style={rectangle,color=gray,fill=gray!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=flush center}}


\node<#1>[#2=#3] (X) {#4};


\begin{frame}{My frame with footnotes} 

\opaqueblock{1}{visib}{\textwidth}{All you have to do to initialize a GLSurfaceView is call setRenderer().
However, if desired, you can modify the default behavior of GLSurfaceView
by calling \alertor{one or more} of these methods before \alertor{setRenderer}:
\item setDebug()
\item setChooser()
\item setWrapper()
(Android    2.2 API Reference)
\opaqueblock{2-}{invisib}{\textwidth}{All you have to do to initialize a GLSurfaceView is call setRenderer().
However, if desired, you can modify the default behavior of GLSurfaceView
by calling \alertor{one or more} of these methods before \alertor{setRenderer}:
\item setDebug()
\item setChooser()
\item setWrapper()
(Android    2.2 API Reference)

\opaqueblock{2}{visib}{0.6\textwidth}{You can optionally modify the behaviour of GLSurfaceView by calling one or more debugging methods \alertor{setDebug()}, and \alertor{setWrapper()}. These methods can be called \alertor{before and or after setRender}}
\opaqueblock{3-}{invisib}{0.6\textwidth}{You can optionally modify the behaviour of GLSurfaceView by calling one or more debugging methods \alertor{setDebug()}, and \alertor{setWrapper()}. These methods can be called \alertor{before and or after setRender}}

\opaqueblock{3}{visib}{0.7\textwidth}{Once the render is set, you can control whether the render draws continuously or on demand by calling \alertor{setRenderMode()}}


This is stuff text:
\item hello
\item hello
\item hello again








\node<#1>[visib=#2] (X) {#3};


\node<#1>[invisib=#2] (X) {\printthistext{\thethistext}};

此外,我改变了text alignment块的定义:

\tikzset{visib/.style={rectangle,color=blue,fill=blue!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=justify}}
\tikzset{invisib/.style={rectangle,color=gray,fill=gray!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=justify}}

因此,MWE 可以简化为:




% command to highlight text in orange

\tikzset{visib/.style={rectangle,color=blue,fill=blue!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=justify}}
\tikzset{invisib/.style={rectangle,color=gray,fill=gray!10,text=black,draw,text opacity=0.4, text width=#1,align=justify}}



\node<#1>[visib=#2] (X) {#3};

\node<#1>[invisib=#2] (X) {\printthistext{\thethistext}};


\begin{frame}{My frame with footnotes} 

% First block
\opaqueblock{1}{\textwidth}{All you have to do to initialize a GLSurfaceView is call setRenderer().
However, if desired, you can modify the default behavior of GLSurfaceView
by calling \alertor{one or more} of these methods before \alertor{setRenderer}:
\item setDebug()
\item setChooser()
\item setWrapper()
(Android    2.2 API Reference)

% Second block
\opaqueblock{2}{0.6\textwidth}{You can optionally modify the behaviour of GLSurfaceView by calling one or more debugging methods \alertor{setDebug()}, and \alertor{setWrapper()}. These methods can be called \alertor{before and or after setRender}}

% Third block
\opaqueblock{3}{0.7\textwidth}{Once the render is set, you can control whether the render draws continuously or on demand by calling \alertor{setRenderMode()}}


This is stuff text:
\item hello
\item hello
\item hello again

\invblock现在唯一的要求就是在 a 的定义之后放置\opaqueblock,以打印正确的文本。图形结果是:







% command to highlight text in orange


\begin{frame}{My frame with footnotes} 

% First block
\opaqueblock<1>{All you have to do to initialize a GLSurfaceView is call setRenderer().
However, if desired, you can modify the default behavior of GLSurfaceView
by calling \alertor{one or more} of these methods before \alertor{setRenderer}:
\item setDebug()
\item setChooser()
\item setWrapper()
(Android    2.2 API Reference)

% Second block
\opaqueblock<2>[0.6\textwidth]{You can optionally modify the behaviour of GLSurfaceView by calling one or more debugging methods \alertor{setDebug()}, and \alertor{setWrapper()}. These methods can be called \alertor{before and or after setRender}}

% Third block
\opaqueblock<3>[0.7\textwidth]{Once the render is set, you can control whether the render draws continuously or on demand by calling \alertor{setRenderMode()}}


This is stuff text:
\item hello
\item hello
\item hello again



警告: texpos在输出级别上与 交互效果不佳pgfpagespgfpages转换不适用于通过 插入的内容textpos)。如果您还需要pgfpages双屏支持或准备多页讲义,则应使用tikz应用这个技巧安德鲁·斯泰西 (Andrew Stacey) 的建议,以防止出现此问题。


\usecolortheme{rose}  % for 'visible' blocks


    \item Item 
        \item Subitem 
        \item Subitem
            \item Subsubitem 
            \item Subsubitem
        \item Subitem
        \item Subitem
    \item Item
    \item Item
        \item Subitem 
        \item Subitem
        \item Subitem

  \begin{block}{The Overlay Block}
    Block Text




看到剩余的幻灯片,我认为本文档中大量使用了 TikZ,我认为所有内容都是 TikZ 节点而不是块。因此,这里快速尝试一下 Beamer/PGF 相互作用。就效果而言,可能有更简单的方法,但到目前为止,基于 PGF 的命令对我来说是最短的路径。有一个remember picture,overlay选项在起作用,所以请确保您运行两次。

\begin{frame}[t]{Example: OpenGL on Android}

    \node[thick,draw=red,draw,text width=\textwidth,inner color=white,outer color=red!10] (n1) at (0,0) {
    All you have to do to initialize a GLSurfaceView is call \texttt{setRenderer()}. However, 
    if desired, you can modify the default behavior of GLSurfaceView by calling 
    \opaqalert{2}{one or more} of these methods before \opaqalert{2}{\texttt{setRenderer}}:
     \item \opaqalert{2}{\texttt{setDebug()}}
     \item \opaqalert{2}{\texttt{setChooser()}}
     \item \opaqalert{2}{\texttt{setWrapper()}}.\hfill(Android 2.2 API Reference)

    \node<3->[thick,draw=red,draw,text width=0.9\textwidth,inner color=white,outer color=red!10] (n2) at (0,0) {
    You can optionally modify the behavior of GLSurfaceView
    by calling one or more of the debugging methods \opaqalert{3}{\texttt{setDebug()}},
    and \opaqalert{3}{\texttt{setWrapper()}}. These methods may be called before
    and/or after \opaqalert{3}{\texttt{setRenderer}},...};

    \node<4->[thick,draw=red,draw,text width=\textwidth,inner color=white,outer color=red!10] (n3) at (0,0) {
    \opaqalert{4}{Once the renderer is set}, you can control whether the renderer draw continuously
    or on demand by calling \opaqalert{4}{\texttt{setRenderMode()}}.};

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\fill<5>[fill=white,opacity=0.8] (current page.north east) rectangle (current page.south west);
\node<5> at (current page.center){\huge Typestate};



我仍然认为像作者那样叠加文本不是一个好主意。它没有传达信息,而且过度使用了叠加。说实话,如果我参加这次演讲,我会想知道节点是如何叠加的,而不是内容。特别是第 5 帧有演示规则的大忌(也许他们故意想要产生混淆效果)。例如,我后来注意到背景中有阴影。我不想听起来像个愚蠢的生活教练,但确实少即是多在这种情况下。

