我对 usepackage 有疑问hyperref
Theorem \ref{text}
我在定理的相应编号周围得到了一个红色或绿色(取决于它是否是文献参考)框。假设有以人名命名的定理。是否可以在名称周围得到这个红色框?例如,假设我在第 2 页陈述了爱因斯坦定理。\label{einstein}
在第 10 页我提到了这个定理。我想写“按爱因斯坦定理”,并在爱因斯坦周围得到一个红色框。我该怎么做?
\usepackage{graphicx} % if you want to include graphics files
\@removefromreset{theorem}{chapter}% just in case ... (no harm done)
\@removefromreset{theorem}{section}% just in case ... (no harm done)
% The preamble is also a good place to define new commands and macros.
% This part of the preamble is strictly optional according to your taste.
\newcommand{\R}{{\mathbb R}}
\newcommand{\N}{{\mathbb N}}
\newcommand{\A}{{\marhcal A}}
%------------------for refering to Einstein-----------------------------
\newtheorem{lemmaa}[lemmaa]{Einstein's theorem}
\providecommand*{\lemmaaautorefname}{Einstein's theorem}
%------------------for using lemma-----------------------------
We will use \autoref{a} to prove \autoref{b}.
Nobody knows.
Nobody ever knows anything.
Nobody is right.
My reference~\autoref{a} says that~\autoref{c} is wrong.