MY ITEM: Here is some text, and it is a paragraph. When it breaks
to the next line, it is indented.
This is my second paragraph. Notice how it has a leading indent, which
is one \parindent relative to the rest of the description text, and a total
of 2\parindent from the left margin.
MY ITEM: Here is some text, and it is a paragraph. When it breaks
to the next line, it is indented.
This is my second paragraph. This result, however, does not indent
my second paragraph relative to the body text in the \item.
\item[MY ITEM] Here is some text, and it is a paragraph. When it breaks
to the next line, it is indented.
This is my second paragraph. This result, however, does not indent
my second paragraph relative to the body text in the \item.
\item[MY ITEM] Here is some text, and it is a paragraph. When it breaks
to the next line, it is indented.
This is my second paragraph. This result, however, does not indent
my second paragraph relative to the body text in the \verb|\item|.