\newpage 和 \clearpage 不起作用

\newpage 和 \clearpage 不起作用

出现以下问题:通常在我的文档中,每章结束后,在新章节开始之前都会有一页空白页。有趣的是,我的 pdf 中有一处在章节结束和新章节之间没有空白页。我试过,\newpage\clear没有成功。也许我的 .cls 文件导致了这个问题。我在下面添加了几行。如果我添加一个

\newpage $\mbox{ }$

它会生成两个空白页。如果没有 $\mbox{ }$,则什么也不会发生。 也一样\clearpage。希望有人能帮助我!谢谢你的建议。


.cls 文件的缩写

% RPI option chap:
\newif\ifchap  % true for chap option
  \chapfalse   % false by default
\DeclareOption{chap}{\chaptrue} % option to print "Chapter" at each new chapter
\newcommand\docsize{}  % to allow 10pt or 11pt to be specified as option
%  Prepare to load the standard report class (12pt):
\ExecuteOptions{12pt}         % define 12pt as the default doc size
\LoadClass[\docsize]{report}  % load report.cls

%                            SECTION HEADINGS

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}    % Number subsubsections in the chapters
\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}       % Put subsubsections in the table of contents

% Print "CHAPTER" if chap option is specified:

\def\specialhead#1{%   GENERAL HEADING WITHOUT A NUMBER (for abstract, etc.)
     \chapter*{\centering #1 \@mkboth{#1}{#1}}}

\def\@chapter[#1]#2{\ifnum\c@firstchapter=0    % start of rpi added stuff
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%                    \addtocontents{lof}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}%
%                    \addtocontents{lot}{\protect\addvspace{10\p@}}%
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         \bfseries \@chapapp{} \thechapter    % print "Chapter" and number
         \vskip -3pt           %\par\nobreak (original)
         \bfseries \thechapter. 
    \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 15\p@

\def\@makeschapterhead#1{%    heading for chapter* command (no numbering)
  {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \centering
    \normalfont  \chaptersize 
    \bfseries  #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 15\p@

\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
                                   {3.5ex \@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
                                   {.5ex \@plus .3ex}%{1.4ex \@plus.2ex}%
                                     {3.25ex\@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
                                     {.3ex \@plus .2ex}%{1.2ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                     {3.25ex\@plus 1ex \@minus .2ex}%
                                     {.2ex \@plus .1ex}%{1ex \@plus .2ex}%
% \paragraph and \subparagraph headings unchanged from report.cls.


 \newcount\numcomm \numcomm=1
 \def\projadviser#1{\gdef\@projadviser{#1}} \projadviser{*}
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 \def\coprojadviser#1{\gdef\@coprojadviser{#1}} \coprojadviser{*}
 \def\cocothadviser#1{\gdef\@cocothadviser{#1}} \cocothadviser{*}
 \def\cocoprojadviser#1{\gdef\@cocoprojadviser{#1}} \cocoprojadviser{*} 
 \def\doctype{\if \@projadviser *Thesis \else Project \fi}
 \def\adviser{\if \@projadviser *\@thadviser \else \@projadviser\fi}
 \def\coadviser{\if \@coprojadviser *\@cothadviser\else \@coprojadviser\fi}
 \def\cocoadviser{\if \@cocoprojadviser *\@cocothadviser\else \@cocoprojadviser\fi}
 \def\copyrightyear#1{\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}} \copyrightyear{\the\year}

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     \vskip .8in plus 24pt minus 24pt
     %\leftline{Approved: \hfil}\vskip 48pt plus 2pt minus 10pt
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     \leftline{Supervisor: \adviser\hfil}
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       \else \vskip 12pt plus 6pt minus 2pt %\hrule width 2.6in\hfil \vskip -6pt        
       \leftline{Coordination: \coadviser\hfil}
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      \leftline{\cocoadviser, \doctype Adviser\hfil}
     \vskip 6pt 
   \else  % PhD thesis
      \leftline{Approved by the\hfil}
      \leftline{Examining Committee:\hfil}
      \vskip 28pt \vfil 
      \hrule width 2.8in \hfil \vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\adviser, \doctype Adviser\hfil} 
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        \advance \numcount by -1
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      \leftline{\@memberone, Member\hfil}
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      \vskip 19pt\vfil\hrule width 2.8in\hfil\vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\@membertwo, Member\hfil}
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      \vskip 19pt\vfil\hrule width 2.8in\hfil\vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\@memberthree, Member\hfil}  \fi
      \advance \numcount by -1 \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \vskip 19pt\vfil\hrule width 2.8in\hfil\vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\@memberfour, Member\hfil}   \fi
      \advance \numcount by -1 \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \vskip 19pt\vfil\hrule width 2.8in\hfil\vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\@memberfive, Member\hfil}  \fi
      \advance \numcount by -1 \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \vskip 19pt\vfil\hrule width 2.8in\hfil\vskip -3pt
      \leftline{\@membersix, Member\hfil} \fi

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     \vskip 1.8in plus 24pt minus 24pt
     \leftline{Approved: \hfil}\vskip 24pt plus 2pt minus 10pt
     \leftline{\adviser, \doctype Adviser\hfil}
     %\leftline{Supervisor: \adviser \hfil}%my corrections
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       \else \vskip 8pt plus 6pt minus 2pt         
       \leftline{\coadviser, \doctype Adviser\hfil}
       %\leftline{Coordination: \coadviser} %my corrections
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       \else \vskip 8pt plus 6pt minus 2pt 
      \leftline{\cocoadviser, \doctype Adviser\hfil}
 %    \vglue 24pt 
  \else  % PhD thesis
    \leftline{Examining Committee: \hfil}
      \adviser, \doctype Adviser\\[4pt]  \advance \numcount by -1
      \if \coadviser * \else 
        \coadviser, \doctype Adviser\\[4pt]    \advance\numcount by -1
      \@memberone, Member\\[4pt] \advance \numcount by -1
      \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \@membertwo, Member\\[4pt] \advance \numcount by -1 \fi
      \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \@memberthree, Member\\[4pt] \advance \numcount by -1 \fi
      \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \@memberfour, Member\\[4pt] \advance \numcount by -1  \fi
      \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \@memberfive, Member\\[4pt]\advance \numcount by -1  \fi
      \ifnum\numcount > 0
      \@membersix, Member\\[4pt] \advance \numcount by -1\fi

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         {\large\uppercase\expandafter{\@thesistitle}}\\ [36pt]
         A Bachelor-\doctype Submitted to\\ [8pt]
         ETH ZURICH\\ [12pt]
         Departement of Mathematics\\ [36pt]
         Presented By \\ [12pt]
         \@author\\ [36pt]
        % in Partial Fulfillment of the\\ [8pt]
        % Requirements for the Degree of\\ [8pt]
        % \uppercase\expandafter{\@degree}\\ [8pt]
        % Major Subject:~~\uppercase\expandafter{\@department}\\ 
         \ifnum\numcomm < 7 \vskip 64pt \else \vskip 24pt \fi
          \ifnum \numcomm < 7 \vskip 32pt \else \vskip 24pt \fi
        %  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute\\
        % Troy, New York\\ [14pt]
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%    \pagenumbering{roman}
%    \setcounter{page}{2}

     \ifnum\numcomm<4 \vglue .5in \fi  % masters
         \vglue 24pt plus 24pt minus 12pt
         {\large\uppercase\expandafter{\@thesistitle}}\\ [11pt]
         By \\ [11pt]
         \@author\\ [11pt]
         An Abstract of a Thesis Submitted to the Graduate\\ [7pt]
         Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute\\ [7pt]
         in Partial Fulfillment of the\\ [7pt]
         Requirements for the Degree of\\ [7pt]
         \uppercase\expandafter{\@degree}\\ [7pt]
         Major Subject:~~\uppercase\expandafter{\@department}\\  [7pt]
         The original of the complete thesis is on file\\
         in the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Library\\
       \vskip 36pt plus 2pt minus 12pt 
        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute\\
        Troy, New York\\ [12pt]
%    \pagenumbering{roman}
%    \setcounter{page}{2}

    \hbox{ }
    \copyright\ Copyright \@copyrightyear \\
    by \\
    \@author \\
    All Rights Reserved \\ [12pt]


空白页并不是真的空白。让我们看看 的定义\cleardoublepage


\clearpage发出A。然后,如果文档使用该twoside选项,则检查当前页码(它是正确的,因为 TeX 刚刚弹出一页):如果它是奇数,则我们在右侧页面上,无需执行任何操作。如果我们在左侧页面上,则必须弹出其中没有任何内容的页面:


(如果启用了双列模式,则需要 \newpage命令。




