如何在 tikz 图形旁边写入内容?

如何在 tikz 图形旁边写入内容?



 Formally, a streaming string transducer is a 8-tuple $(Q,\Sigma_1,\Sigma_2,X,F,\delta,\gamma,q_0)$ machine, where
 $Q$ is a finite set of states, $\Sigma_1$ is a finite set of input symbols, $\Sigma_2$ is a finite set of output symbols,
 $X$ is a finite set of string variables,  $F$ is a partial output function from $Q$ to $(\Sigma_2 \cup X)^*$ with constraint of copyless assignment,
 $\delta$ is a state transition function from $(Q \times \Sigma_1)$ to $Q$,
 $\gamma$ is a variable update function from $(Q \times \Sigma_1 \times X)$ to $(\Sigma_2 \cup X)^*$ using copyless assignments and $q_0 \in Q$ is an initial state.

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=5 cm, scale = 0.5, transform shape]
%  \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=white,draw=none,text=black]

\node[initial,state] (A)                                    {$s_0$};
\node[state]         (B) [right of=A]               {$s_1$};

\path[->] (A) edge [bend left]      node [align=center]         {$a \rightarrow$ $[x = x.a, y = a.y]$\\$b \rightarrow$ $[x = x.b, y = b.y]$} (B)
    (B) edge [bend left]        node [align=center]             {$a \rightarrow$ $[x = x.a, y = a.y]$\\$b \rightarrow$ $[x = x.b, y = b.y]$} (A);

\caption{An example of SST}

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=5 cm, scale = 0.5, transform shape]
%  \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=white,draw=none,text=black]

 \node[initial,state] (A)                                   {$s_0$};
 \node[state]         (B) [right of=A]              {$s_1$};

 \path[->] (A) edge [bend left]         node [align=center]         {$a \rightarrow$ $[x = x.a, y = a.y]$\\$b \rightarrow$ $[x = x.b, y = b.y]$} (B)
    (B) edge [bend left]        node [align=center]             {$a \rightarrow$ $[x = x.a, y = a.y]$\\$b \rightarrow$ $[x = x.b, y = b.y]$} (A);


The semantics of a DSST is defined in terms of the summary of a computation of a DSST. Summaries are of the form 
$(q, s)$ where $q$ is a state and $s$ is valuation from $X$ to $\Sigma_2^*$ that can be extended to a valuation from $(\Sigma_2 \cup X)^*$ to
$\Sigma_2^*$. Initially each variable maps to the empty string. The transition function is defined by 
$\psi((q,s),a) = (\delta(q,a), s')$ and for each variable $x$, $s'(x)$ =  $s(\gamma(q,a,x))$. For an input 
string $w \in \Sigma_1^*$, if $\psi^*((q_0,s_0),w) = (q, s)$, then if  $F(q)$ is defined then output string will 
be $s(F(q))$ otherwise it will be undefined.



那么我该如何将内容放在 tikzpicture 旁边呢?




使用wrapfig包使普通文本围绕图像流动。使用环境{wrapfig}而不是{figure}。它需要两个参数,第一个是垂直位置,可以是left、right、inner 或outer。第二个给出图像的宽度。



% demo

      \fill [blue] (0,0) rectangle (6,4);
   \caption{Your image}



要将文本放置在图像旁边,请使用{minipage}来对齐它。为此,您必须{minipage}在 中放置两个{figure}。环境采用设置宽度的参数。calc使用包,您可以使用诸如\textwidth-7cm等操作。此外,您可以使用可选参数(top、centered 或bottom)来确定相对于基线的水平位置。



% demo

          \fill [blue] (0,0) rectangle (6,4);
      Some text describing the image.
      Some text describing the image.
      Some text describing the image.
   \caption{Your image}



picins 是另一种解决方案。你可以在这里找到该软件包:ctan 上的 picins。它不在 texlive 上(我想是许可证问题)。这是一个旧软件包,但它是一个非常好的软件包。它在 latex Companion 中有很好的文档。


{\bfseries An attempt with the macro  |\parpic| of the package  |picins| }

\parpic{\tikz \draw (0,0) -- (5,5);}  

