我正在尝试掌握 TikZ,因为我需要图像,我尝试创建它们。我发现这是来自 TeXample 的很好的例子(您可以在那里找到图表的代码)它看起来几乎就像我想要创建的。我正在尝试删除一些节点,但是由于我对 TikZ 很陌生,所以我收到了一些我还不明白的错误。我想要实现的是保留发射器和接收器的蓝色框,但将它们并排放置,发射器仅包含激光器和 SOA,接收器仅包含 SOA 和 Rx。我想了解如何添加这些蓝色虚线框并添加更多节点,以便我可以创建自己的图表。我试图摆脱极化控制器节点,但这让我只能在原处放置另一个空框。我猜问题在于我仍然以某种方式绘制节点。我想知道它实际上是如何工作的。
一行(四列)的 来放置四个元素;矩阵的条目使用 连接chain
% Modification of the code
% BER measurement on fibre optical system
% Author: Jose Luis Diaz (taken from TeXample.net)
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape]{geometry}
% Place all element in a matrix of nodes, called m
% By default all nodes are rectangles with round corners
% but some special sytles are defined also
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,
column sep=5mm,
row sep=1cm,
nodes={draw, % General options for all nodes
line width=1pt,
text centered,
rounded corners,
minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=8mm
nodes in empty cells,
% Row of symbols
% m-1-1
& % m-1-2
& % m-1-4
& % m-1-5
}; % End of matrix
% Now, connect all nodes in a chain.
% The names of the nodes are automatically generated in the previous matrix. Since the
% matrix was named ``m'', all nodes have the name m-row-column
{ [start chain,every on chain/.style={join}, every join/.style={line width=1pt}]
\chainin (m-1-1);
\chainin (m-1-2);
\chainin (m-1-3);
\chainin (m-1-4);
% Define the style for the blue dotted boxes
\tikzset{blue dotted/.style={draw=blue!50!white, line width=1pt,
dash pattern=on 1pt off 4pt on 6pt off 4pt,
inner sep=4mm, rectangle, rounded corners}};
% % Finally the blue dotted boxes are drawn as nodes fitted to other nodes
\node (first dotted box) [blue dotted,
fit = (m-1-1) (m-1-2)] {};
\node (second dotted box) [blue dotted,
fit = (m-1-3) (m-1-4)] {};
% % Since these boxes are nodes, it is easy to put text above or below them
\node at (first dotted box.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {\textbf{Transmitter}};
\node at (second dotted box.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {\textbf{Receiver}};
这里是一个简单的加法,从最基本的层面展示了如何向矩阵添加额外的节点(现在它是一个有两行五列的矩阵)以及如何再次使用 连接它们chain
\usepackage[a4paper, landscape]{geometry}
% Place all element in a matrix of nodes, called m
% By default all nodes are rectangles with round corners
% but some special sytles are defined also
\matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,
column sep=5mm,
row sep=1cm,
nodes={draw, % General options for all nodes
line width=1pt,
text centered,
rounded corners,
minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=8mm
nodes in empty cells,
% First row of symbols
% m-1-1
& % m-1-2
& % m-1-4
& % m-1-5
% Second row of symbols
}; % End of matrix
% Now, connect all nodes in a chain.
% The names of the nodes are automatically generated in the previous matrix. Since the
% matrix was named ``m'', all nodes have the name m-row-column
{ [start chain,every on chain/.style={join}, every join/.style={line width=1pt}]
\chainin (m-1-1);
\chainin (m-1-2);
\chainin (m-1-3);
\chainin (m-1-4);
\chainin (m-1-5);
\chainin (m-2-5);
\chainin (m-2-4);
\chainin (m-2-3);
\chainin (m-2-2);
\chainin (m-2-1);
% Define the style for the blue dotted boxes
\tikzset{blue dotted/.style={draw=blue!50!white, line width=1pt,
dash pattern=on 1pt off 4pt on 6pt off 4pt,
inner sep=4mm, rectangle, rounded corners}};
% % Finally the blue dotted boxes are drawn as nodes fitted to other nodes
\node (first dotted box) [blue dotted,
fit = (m-1-1) (m-1-2)] {};
\node (second dotted box) [blue dotted,
fit = (m-1-3) (m-1-4)] {};
% % Since these boxes are nodes, it is easy to put text above or below them
\node at (first dotted box.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {\textbf{Transmitter}};
\node at (second dotted box.north) [above, inner sep=3mm] {\textbf{Receiver}};