我正在尝试使用 ledmac 和 ledpar 制作一个双语版本,左边是拉丁语,右边是英语。我甚至无法编译最简单的示例,因为我收到了错误消息
! 未定义的控制序列。
l.36 \ledRcolfalse
\newcommand{\E}{\emph{E} }
\textbf{$\slash$\E 47vB$\slash$} Tantum verum opponitur falso. Quaeritur de hoc sophismate. Quod probatur sic. Verum opponitur falso et nihil aliud quam verum opponitur falso, ergo tantum verum opponitur falso. Et videtur ibi esse locus ab expositione vocabuli scilicet ab expositione huius dictionis `tantum'. Improbatur sic. \edtext{Contra.}{\Afootnote{\emph{Sic}.}} Tantum verum opponitur falso, ergo tantum verum et falsum opponuntur. Et videtur ibi esse locus a convertabili. Probatio sequitur si verum opponitur falso, ergo verum et falsum opponuntur et e converso. Verum et falsum opponuntur, ergo verum opponitur falso. Sicut sequitur Socrates et Plato sunt similes, ergo Sortes est similis Platoni, et e converso. Unde ista relatio quae est oppositio fundatur supra ista duo extrema quae sunt verum et falsum. Sicut a parte illa similitudo fundatur supra illos duos terminos qui sunt Sortes et Plato. Convertuntur ergo ista verum opponitur falso. Et verum et falsum opponuntur. Igitur eodem addito utrobique adhuc convertentur. Et sic addita hac dictione tantum. Ad utrumque adhuc convertentur. Et sic sequitur tantum verum opponitur falso, ergo tantum verum et falsum opponuntur et e converso. Sit haec est falsa ut probabo tantum verum et falsum opponuntur. Ergo et haec tantum verum opponitur falso. Quod autem sit falsa patet quoniam si haec esset vera tantum verum et falsum opponuntur sequeretur quod nulla alia opponerentur. Et sic sequeritur quod album et nigrum non opponerentur quod falsum est. Igitur haec est falsa tantum verum et falsum opponentur, ergo et prima. Haec scilicet tantum verum opponitur falso. Igitur prima falsa.
\textbf{$\slash$\E 47vB$\slash$} Only true is opposed to false. It is inquired concerning this sophism, which may be proved thus. True is opposed to false and nothing other than true is opposed to false, therefore only true is opposed to false. And here is seen to be a locus of the exposition of words namely from the exposition of this word `only'. It is proved negatively thus. Only true is opposed to false, therefore only true and false are opposible. And here is seen to be a locus from conversion. The proof follows if true is opposed to false, therefore true and false are opposed and conversely, true and false are opposed, therefore true is opposed to false. In the same way it follows Socrates and Plato are similar, therefore Socrates is similar to Plato, and conversely. From which this relation, which is opposition, is established between those two extremes which are true and false, in the same way, partly, the former likeness is established between those two terms which are Socrates and Plato. Therefore this is converted, `true is opposed to false', and `true and false are opposed'. %Igitur eodem addito utrobique adhuc convertentur. Et sic addita hac dictione tantum. Ad utrumque adhuc convertentur. Et sic sequitur tantum verum opponitur falso, ergo tantum verum et falsum opponuntur et e converso. Sit haec est falsa ut probabo tantum verum et falsum opponuntur. Ergo et haec tantum verum opponitur falso. Quod autem sit falsa patet quoniam si haec esset vera tantum verum et falsum opponuntur sequeretur quod nulla alia opponerentur. Et sic sequeritur quod album et nigrum non opponerentur quod falsum est. Igitur haec est falsa tantum verum et falsum opponentur, ergo et prima. Haec scilicet tantum verum opponitur falso. Igitur prima falsa.
我按照 Jon 的建议添加了 \listfiles 命令,以查看我使用的 ledmac/ledpar 版本,但在提供此信息之前我收到了错误消息:
[liana@athena anonymierfordensis]$ pdflatex test.tex
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, nohyphenation, arabic, basque, bulgarian, coptic, welsh, czech, slovak, german, ngerman, danish, esperanto, spanish, catalan, galician, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, greek, monogreek, ancientgreek, croatian, hungarian, interlingua, ibycus, indonesian, icelandic, italian, latin, mongolian, dutch, norsk, polish, portuguese, pinyin, romanian, russian, slovenian, uppersorbian, serbian, swedish, turkish, ukenglish, ukrainian, loaded.
Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/english.ldf)) (./ledmac.sty (./ledpatch.sty)) (./ledpar.sty
! Undefined control sequence.
l.36 \ledRcolfalse
- 新版本 = 2012
- 旧版本 = 2005
可能的答案:您有和的混合集。(或者您的系统正在加载混合集。)如果我将 的旧版本与 的新版本一起使用,ledmac
(第 32 行),而在新版本中,该行位于ledmac
(第 134 行)。
与 的新版本有关ledpar
找不到此 if-switch 的定义位置,因为它是在 的新版本中定义的ledmac
在 GNU/Linux 系统(我想 Mac 也是)上,您可以使用命令kpsewhere ledpar.sty
和检查系统找到哪个版本kpsewhere ledmac.sty
正如 egreg 已经在评论中写道:\Pages
。带有ledpar 2012/04/04 v0.10
和ledmac 2012/04/04 v0.14
编辑:自周一开始,ledpar/ledmac 有可用的更新,请参阅http://www.mail-archive.com/[电子邮件保护]/msg04932.html。也许最好尝试一下这些版本?