如何使 \thanks 脚注的行距增加一倍?

如何使 \thanks 脚注的行距增加一倍?

我打算向其投稿的期刊要求所有文本(包括脚注和致谢)都采用双倍行距。我使用 setspace 包,并将\doublespacing和放在\renewcommand{\footnotelayout}{\doublespacing}序言中。除了 \thanks 脚注不是双倍行距外,其他一切都正常。我该如何解决这个问题?


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside]{article}


\title{How to double space the ``thanks'' footnote?\thanks{\normalsize Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.}}
\author{John Smith\thanks{\normalsize Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.}}









Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text. Some random text.\footnote{\lipsum[5]}



使用\thanks{\protect\doublespacing\normalsize ...}

或者,由于输入所有内容很累,因此可以使用etoolbox 包修补\thanks命令本身的代码;因此


