何时使用 \、{ } 或 ~ 来禁止吞噬宏后面的空格

何时使用 \、{ } 或 ~ 来禁止吞噬宏后面的空格


\TeX{} followed by curly brace is ok.\par
\TeX\ followed by a back slash is ok.\par
\TeX~followed by a tilde also works.\par


独特的选择是使用或不使用连接线~。连接线旨在使文档元素在两侧保持连接,类似于 HTML 的&nbsp。下面还有几个例子来说明差异:


\TeX{} followed by curly brace is ok.\par
\TeX\ followed by a back slash is ok.\par
\TeX~followed by a tilde also works.\par
\TeX{ }followed by a group works.\par
\TeX\@ followed by a \verb|\@| works. \par
\TeX\space followed by \verb|\space| works.


Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX{} followed by something is ok.\par
Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX\ followed by something is ok.\par
Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX~followed by something is ok.\par
Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX{ }followed by something is ok.\par
Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX\@ followed by something is ok.\par
Here is some random text, as much as is needed to fill the line okay. \TeX\space followed by something is ok.


请注意,当没有引入换行符时,所有间距似乎都相等(顶部)。但是,一旦引入换行符,单词间的拉伸/收缩和可能的连字会导致单词移动,以“优化显示”;连接~避免在空格处换行(通过设置非常大的\penalty- 可以这么说,减少了有助于优化的可能性)。


有关 TeX Book 中关于领带的实际描述的更多信息,请参阅引用/参考时带或不带波浪号有什么区别?


\usepackage{xspace}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xspace

这将允许您输入\TEX followed by a space is ok.并获得适当的输出TeX followed by a space is ok.



\TeX{} followed by curly brace is ok.\par
\TeX\ followed by a back slash is ok.\par
\TeX~followed by a tilde also works.\par

foo  bar\par
foo\ \ bar\par



默认空格 -- 控制空格 -- 非中断空格

