



我正在与尾注包只是现在,但如果其他想法能够解决我的问题而又不让我弄得太脏(在 LaTeX 黑客方面我不是专业人士),我愿意听取他们的意见。我之所以有脚注和尾注,是因为我正在翻译一篇旧的学术文本,我需要 [合理地] 忠实于原始格式。下面的工作示例:

        \@addtoreset{footnote}{page}    % Reset footnote "numbering" (symbols) every new page
        \@addtoreset{endnote}{part}     % Reset endnote numbering every new part
        \@addtoreset{endnote}{chapter}  % Reset endnote numbering every new chapter
        Some text,\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
        not in any structural part of the document.
    \part{Part One}
        Some\footnote{This is the first footnote, symbolised by a star.}
        text,\footnote{Second footnote, a pair of stars.}
        not\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
        part\footnote{Third footnote, a solitary dagger.}
        of any chapter.
    \chapter{Chapter 1}
        This\footnote{A footnote, should be a single star (symbol \#1), not a pair of daggers (\#4) because of reset footnote numbering at new page.} 
        is chapter one.\endnote{This endnote should be numbered 1, since it's the first of a chapter.}
    \part{Part Two}
        Text.\endnote{This should also be numbered 1, since it's the first in its part.}




\counterwithin*{endnote}{part}     % Reset endnote numbering every new part
\counterwithin*{endnote}{chapter}  % Reset endnote numbering every new chapter

  \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\addvspace{10pt}} % adjust to suit



Some text,\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
not in any structural part of the document.

\part{Part One}
Some\footnote{This is the first footnote, symbolised by a star.}
text,\footnote{Second footnote, a pair of stars.}
not\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
part\footnote{Third footnote, a solitary dagger.}
of any chapter.

\chapter{Chapter 1}

This\footnote{A footnote, should be a single star (symbol \#1), not a pair of daggers (\#4) 
because of reset footnote numbering at new page.}
is chapter one.\endnote{This endnote should be numbered 1, since it's the first of a chapter.}

\part{Part Two}
Text.\endnote{This should also be numbered 1, since it's the first in its part.}







\counterwithin*{endnote}{part}     % Reset endnote numbering every new part
\counterwithin*{endnote}{chapter}  % Reset endnote numbering every new chapter




Some text,\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
not in any structural part of the document.

\part{Part One}
Some\footnote{This is the first footnote, symbolised by a star.}
text,\footnote{Second footnote, a pair of stars.}
not\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
part\footnote{Third footnote, a solitary dagger.}
of any chapter.

\chapter{Chapter 1}
This\footnote{A footnote, should be a single star (symbol \#1), not a pair of daggers (\#4) 
because of reset footnote numbering at new page.}
is chapter one.\endnote{This endnote should be numbered 1, since it's the first of a chapter.}

\chapter{Chapter 2}
No endnotes

\part{Part Two}
Text.\endnote{This should also be numbered 1, since it's the first in its part.}

\chapter{Chapter 3}
No endnotes.






\usepackage{endnotes}% http://ctan.org/pkg/endnotes
        \@addtoreset{footnote}{page}    % Reset footnote "numbering" (symbols) every new page
        \@addtoreset{endnote}{part}     % Reset endnote numbering every new part
        \@addtoreset{endnote}{chapter}  % Reset endnote numbering every new chapter
\usepackage{footmisc}% http://ctan.org/pkg/footmisc
        Some text,\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
        not in any structural part of the document.
    \part{Part One}
        \addtoendnotes{\protect\section*{\thepart{} Part One}\protect\@afterindenttrue}
        Some\footnote{This is the first footnote, symbolised by a star.}
        text,\footnote{Second footnote, a pair of stars.}
        not\endnote{This endnote will naturally be numbered 1, as the first endnote in the document.}
        part\footnote{Third footnote, a solitary dagger.}
        of any chapter.
    \chapter{First chapter}
        \addtoendnotes{\protect\subsection*{\thechapter{} First chapter}\protect\@afterindenttrue}
        This\footnote{A footnote, should be a single star (symbol \#1), not a pair of daggers (\#4) because of reset footnote numbering at new page.} 
        is chapter one.\endnote{This endnote should be numbered 1, since it's the first of a chapter.}
    \part{Part Two}
        \addtoendnotes{\protect\section*{\thepart{} Part Two}\protect\@afterindenttrue}
        Text.\endnote{This should also be numbered 1, since it's the first in its part.}


\addtoendnotes{\protect\section*{\thepart{} Part One}\protect\@afterindenttrue}

我使用了\section*进行\part分类,以及\subsection*进行\chapter分类,因为带星号的版本不会出现在目录中(默认情况下)。 可以为尾注全局设置\@afterindenttrue,但目前我将其保留在每个插入的本地(例如,全局设置它会删除\makeatletter...\makeatother要求)。
