使用节点形状或自制的 tikzpicture 作为图例中的图像

使用节点形状或自制的 tikzpicture 作为图例中的图像


在普通的 tikzpicture 中使用 pgfplots 样式的图例

tikzpicture 中的图例

在 tikzpicture 中创建图例。



% node shaped as cylinder
\node[shape=cylinder](c) at (0,0){};

% cylinder drawn myself
\draw(3,2.5) ellipse (0.1 and 0.5);
\draw(4,2.5) ellipse (0.1 and 0.5);

\begin{customlegend}[legend cell align=left,
legend entries={ cylinder},
legend style={at={(6,3)},font=\footnotesize}]
\addlegendimage{ ??????? }



您可以使用以下方式设置用于绘制图例图像的代码legend image code/.code={ ...}



% Code from Christian Feuersänger
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/54794/using-a-pgfplots-style-legend-in-a-plain-old-tikzpicture#54834

% argument #1: any options
    % inits/clears the lists (which might be populated from previous
    % axes):
    \csname pgfplots@init@cleared@structures\endcsname
    % draws the legend:
    \csname pgfplots@createlegend\endcsname

% makes \addlegendimage available (typically only available within an
% axis environment):
\def\addlegendimage{\csname pgfplots@addlegendimage\endcsname}


% definition to insert numbers
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/number in legend/.style={%
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \node at (0.295,-0.0225){#1};


% node shaped as cylinder
\node[shape=cylinder](c) at (0,0){};

% cylinder drawn myself
\draw(3,4) arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=90, end angle=270];
\draw(4,3.5) ellipse (0.1 and 0.5);

\begin{customlegend}[legend cell align=left,
legend entries={ cylinder},
legend style={at={(6,3)},font=\footnotesize}]
\addlegendimage{legend image code/.code={\node [draw, cylinder, minimum size=1em] {};}}




杰克的回答很完美,但如果有人只想用 tikz 添加图例,则很容易采取另一种方式。



\fill[orange!30] (4,0) arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=-90, end angle=90] 
             --  (3,1) arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=90, end angle=270]
             -- cycle ;                       
\draw[orange]   (4,0)  arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=-90, end angle=90] 
                       arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=90,  end angle=270]
            -- (3,0)   arc [x radius=0.1, y radius=0.5, start angle=270, end angle=90]
            -- (4,1) ;  

       minimum width=1mm,minimum height=1cm,anchor=east](c) at (8,4){};  
 \node[anchor=west](ct) at (8,4){legend 1}; 
 \node[draw,fit=(ct)(c)] {};


