todonotes 与 amsbook 类的问题

todonotes 与 amsbook 类的问题

我正在尝试将 todonotes 与amsbookdocumentclass 结合使用。我可以将 todo(使用\todo{fix this})添加到部分文本,并且我可以使用 为目录生成 Todo 列表\todototoc,但编译时出现一些问题。

通过查看todonotes文档,我发现该软件包与 存在已知冲突,amsart并且文档中提供了修复程序。修复程序不太管用amsbook,而且我不太了解它的作用,无法对其进行编辑。

问题是,在编译 LaTeX 时,我收到警告,提示\todototoc未定义控制序列。忽略警告并继续编译,我发现\todo我创建的未与列表标题放在同一页上。



 \usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref} % for links


  \title{A sample book in amsbook style}

    \todototoc  % put an entry for the list of todos in the  table of contents

    % \listoftodos   This is the usual command for making a list of to dos

   % The following was taken from the todonotes documentation on how to resolve a problem with the amsart class.
   % It doesn't quite work for amsbook as the list entries are put on the page after the "Todo list" heading.


    \chapter{The test chapter}
    Some text\todo{really need some more text!}






\usepackage[linktocpage]{hyperref} % for links



\title{A sample book in amsbook style}



\chapter{The test chapter}
Some text\todo{really need some more text!}


