LaTeX 中的布尔变量

LaTeX 中的布尔变量

我尝试在 LaTeX 中使用“布尔”变量,但未能成功......

我有一个宏,它有 5 个参数,最后一个参数是可选的。这个宏是有名字的,educationItem并且只出现在education环境中。所以,有些educationItem条目会有第五个参数,有些则没有。有第五个参数的条目需要稍微修改一下格式。








\usepackage{cvtools} % my CV styling stuff
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}   % extend page margins



{Education 1}
{University 1}

{Education 2}
{University 2}
\educationGrade{Subject 1}{90/100}
\educationGrade{Subject 2}{88/100}
\educationGrade{Subject 3}{97/100}
\educationGrade{Subject 4}{94/100}
\educationGrade{Subject 5}{95/100}



\ProvidesPackage{cvtools}[2012/07/16 v1.0.0]

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}           % for \ifstrempty, \ifdef
\RequirePackage{ifthen}             % for \ifthenelse
\RequirePackage{longtable}          % for tables that span more than one page
\RequirePackage{multirow}           % for table columns that span more than one row
\RequirePackage{tabularx}           % for simple column stretching
\RequirePackage{xcolor}             % for colours

% Declare options

\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{cvtools}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'}}


% For table styling
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}

% \begin{education}
% \educationItem{beginYear}{endYear}{name}{institution}{\educationGrade{subject}{grade} ...}
% \end{education}
\newcommand\educationGrade[2]{##1 & ##2 \\}%
% Check if we should display tools
        {% showGrades is true, but this \educationItem has no grades to display.
        {% showGrades is true and this \educationItem has grades to display.
    % showGrades is false.
% Education period
\multirow{\@numRows}{\lwidth}{##1 -- ##2}%
% Name and institution
& \textbf{##3 (##4)}%
% Grades
        \\* %
        & \begin{tabularx}{\rwidth}{Xr} %
        ##5 %
        \end{tabularx} %

使用时,预期输出将与以下 TeX 代码相同…… \usepackage[showgrades]{cvtools}


\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}   % extend page margins
\RequirePackage{longtable}          % for tables that span more than one page
\RequirePackage{multirow}           % for table columns that span more than one row
\RequirePackage{tabularx}           % for simple column stretching
\RequirePackage{xcolor}             % for colours

% For table styling
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}


% \begin{education}

% \educationItem{2008}{2012}
% {Education 1}
% {University 1}
% {}
\multirow{1}{\lwidth}{2008 -- 2012}
& \textbf{Education 1 (University 1)}%
% @shouldshowgrades should be false here

% \educationItem{2002}{2007}
% {Education 2}
% {University 2}
% {
% ...
% }
\multirow{1}{\lwidth}{2002 -- 2007}
& \textbf{Education 2 (University 2)}%
% @shouldshowgrades should be true here
& \begin{tabularx}{\rwidth}{Xr} %
% \educationGrade{Subject 1}{90/100}
Subject 1 & 90/100 \\
% \educationGrade{Subject 2}{88/100}
Subject 2 & 88/100 \\
% \educationGrade{Subject 3}{97/100}
Subject 3 & 97/100 \\
% \educationGrade{Subject 4}{94/100}
Subject 4 & 94/100 \\
% \educationGrade{Subject 5}{95/100}
Subject 5 & 95/100 \\

% \end{education}




\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}   % extend page margins
\RequirePackage{longtable}          % for tables that span more than one page
\RequirePackage{multirow}           % for table columns that span more than one row
\RequirePackage{tabularx}           % for simple column stretching
\RequirePackage{xcolor}             % for colours

% For table styling
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}


% \begin{education}

% \educationItem{2008}{2012}
% {Education 1}
% {University 1}
% {}
\multirow{1}{\lwidth}{2008 -- 2012}
& \textbf{Education 1 (University 1)}%
% @shouldshowgrades should be false here

% \educationItem{2002}{2007}
% {Education 2}
% {University 2}
% {
% \educationGrade{Subject 1}{90/100}
% \educationGrade{Subject 2}{88/100}
% \educationGrade{Subject 3}{97/100}
% \educationGrade{Subject 4}{94/100}
% \educationGrade{Subject 5}{95/100}
% }
\multirow{1}{\lwidth}{2002 -- 2007}
& \textbf{Education 2 (University 2)}%
% @shouldshowgrades should be true here

% \end{education}








  • 添加了包选项以便启用\usepackage[showgrades]{cvtools}该选项。showgrades

  • 通过添加%(在代码中注明)消除了一些虚假空格。

  • 您遗漏了\

  • 更改\def\gdef,以便在需要时这些设置可用。

  • 消除了\multirow显示年份的功能。



\ProvidesPackage{cvtools}[2012/07/16 v1.0.0]

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}           % for \ifstrempty, \ifdef
\RequirePackage{ifthen}             % for \ifthenelse
\RequirePackage{longtable}          % for tables that span more than one page
\RequirePackage{multirow}           % for table columns that span more than one row
\RequirePackage{tabularx}           % for simple column stretching
\RequirePackage{xcolor}             % for colours

% Declare options

\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{cvtools}{Unknown option `\CurrentOption'}}


% For table styling
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}%

% \begin{education}
% \educationItem{beginYear}{endYear}{name}{institution}{\educationGrade{subject}{grade} ...}
% \end{education}
\newcommand\educationGrade[2]{##1 & ##2\\}%
% Check if we should display tools
        {% showGrades is true, but this \educationItem has no grades to display.
            \gdef\@shouldshowgrades{0}% <-- added %
        {% showGrades is true and this \educationItem has grades to display.
            \gdef\@shouldshowgrades{1}% <-- added %
    % showGrades is false.
    \gdef\@shouldshowgrades{0}% <-- added %
% Education period
%\multirow{\@numRows}{\lwidth}{##1 -- ##2}%
##1 -- ##2% <-- Eliminated \multirow 

% Name and institution
& \textbf{##3 (##4)}%
% Grades
\ifthenelse{\equal{\@shouldshowgrades}{1}}% <-- corrected (missing \)
        & \begin{tabularx}{\rwidth}{Xr}%

\usepackage[showgrades]{cvtools}% <-- added package option
\usepackage[margin=3cm]{geometry}   % extend page margins

    {Education 1}%
    {University 1}%
    {Education 2}%
    {University 2}%
    \educationGrade{Subject 1}{90/100}%
    \educationGrade{Subject 2}{88/100}%
    \educationGrade{Subject 3}{97/100}%
    \educationGrade{Subject 4}{94/100}%
    \educationGrade{Subject 5}{95/100}%
