使用 tocloft 列出问题和评论

使用 tocloft 列出问题和评论


最终我使用 得到了以下代码tocloft。我试图使其成为 MWE。


\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}
%% Begin question thingies
\usepackage{tocloft} % http://ctan.org/pkg/tocloft
\newtheorem{xquestionu}[xquestion]{Question (unanswered)}
\newcommand\listxquestionsname{List of Remarks and Questions}
% Add the answered questions
% Add the unanswered questions
% Add the remarks
\renewcommand{\cftafterqlisttitle}{\\[\baselineskip] A cursive \textit{Q} means that this entry is about a question that is not (yet) answered in the text.}
%% End question thingies

\begin{questionu}[A test]
Here is my question.

I also like to make remarks!


那么,现在我的问题是:这是好的做法,还是我做错了?此外,问题是 的编号\thex...。它们似乎没有正确对齐。我如何将虚线更改为其他内容(也许什么都没有)?也非常欢迎告诉我良好的代码卫生!此外,如果描述超过一行,我该如何正确换行?


  1. 要纠正计数器的对齐,您可以移动\hspace外部\makebox
  2. 为了抑制点,您可以将其重新定义\cftquestionsandremarksdotsep\cftnodots
  3. 我建议\makeboxe通过使用定义的长度来控制 s 的宽度和它们后面的水平空间的值;这样,独特的变化将确保三种条目类型的一致性。
  4. 使用\cftsetindents您可以控制条目的缩进。

    \usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}
    %% Begin question thingies
    \newtheorem{xquestionu}[xquestion]{Question (unanswered)}
    \newcommand\listxquestionsname{List of Remarks and Questions}
    % Add the answered questions
    % Add the unanswered questions
    % Add the remarks
    \renewcommand{\cftafterqlisttitle}{\\[\baselineskip] A cursive \textit{Q} means that this entry is about a question that is not (yet) answered in the text.}
    % suppress the dots in the new list
    % set the proper indentation for the entries
    %% End question thingies
    \begin{questionu}[A test unanswered question with a description spanning more than one line in the list of remarks and questions]
    Here is my question.
    \begin{question}[A test answered question]
    Here is my question.
    I also like to make remarks!

