该问题基于以下主题: 我怎样才能使我的文档看起来像是由崇拜克苏鲁的疯子写的? ,doncherry 在其中提供了一个很好的答案,并且评分最高。(我无法在该主题上发布我的问题,我不知道为什么,所以我在这里开始了一个新主题。)
但是,我试过他的代码后,发现在自定义环境下,LaTeX 无法自动连字\Cthulhu
如何为用户 doncherry 提供的 Cthulhu 风格的文档启用自动连字功能?
根据 doncherry 的回答,我怎样才能将每个字母以随机角度旋转,而不是旋转每个单词?
\documentclass[17pt]{extarticle}% This is a document class providing more font size options
%\usepackage{emerald}% font package
\usepackage[doublespacing]{setspace}% line spacing
% thanks to Bruno Le Floch: http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/9331/4012
% and in his comments to http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/29458/4012
\usepackage[first=-6,last=6]{lcg}% you can play around with these values
% thanks to Martin Scharrer: http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/11598/4012
\@cthulhu#1 \@empty
\def\@cthulhu#1 #2{%
\ifx #2\@empty\else
% ----------
\centering% that madman wouldn't justify his writings
\color{MidnightBlue}% my pick for "looks like ink"
\cthulhu{Hello, I am crazy. I am a Cthulhu \foo{worsh\-ipping} \foo{gibb\-ering} \foo{mad\-man}, \foo{un\-hinged} by
the horrors I have witnessed. I am a Cthulhu \foo{worsh\-ipping} \foo{gibb\-ering} \foo{mad\-man}, \foo{un\-hinged} by
the \foo{horr\-ors} I have witnessed. I am a Cthulhu \foo{worsh\-ipping} \foo{gibb\-ering} \foo{mad\-man}, \foo{un\-hinged} by
the horrors I have witnessed. I am a Cthulhu \foo{worsh\-ipping} \foo{gibb\-ering} \foo{mad\-man}, \foo{un\-hinged} by
the horrors I have witnessed. I am a Cthulhu \foo{worsh\-ipping} \foo{gibb\-ering} \foo{mad\-man}, \foo{un\-hinged} by
the horrors I have witnessed.} \eldersign