如何在 \pgfdeclareshape 内生成多个锚点?

如何在 \pgfdeclareshape 内生成多个锚点?

在使用 定义新形状时\pgfdeclareshape,我无法使用 语句添加许多锚点\foreach。每个锚点都使用三个参数定义。在示例中,参数#1没问题,但程序对#2和有抱怨#3。如何使用 生成这么多具有​​不同键的锚点\foreach


% Define shapes
  % Inherit from rectangle

  % In the following I want to make many anchors with some loop. For example,
  %\foreach \x/\Y/\z in {een/1/.7,ee/1/0,ees/1/-1}
  %  \pgf@process{\northeast}%
  %  \pgf@x=\y\pgf@x%
  %  \pgf@y=\z\pgf@y%
  %However, while #1 is replaced but #2 and #2 are not. 
  %How can I use \foreach or TeX loop?        


  % Draw the rectangle box and the port labels
    % Rectangle box
  %Add labels
  %The following code doesn't work.
  %\foreach \x/\y in {een,ee,ees}
  %  {
  %  \pgf@anchor@PE@\x
  %  \pgftext[at={\pgfpoint{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}},x=-\pgfshapeinnerxsep,y=0]{\raisebox{-.75ex}{\y}}
  % }
  %\foreach \x/\y in {anchor@PE@een/een,\pgf@anchor@PE@ee/ee,\pgf@anchor@PE@ees/ees}
  %  \x
  %  \pgftext[at={\pgfpoint{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}},x=-\pgfshapeinnerxsep,y=0]{\raisebox{-.75ex}{\y}}

  \tikzset{PE/port labels/.style={font=\sffamily\scriptsize}}
  \tikzset{every PE node/.style={draw=blue,minimum width=2cm,minimum
    height=3cm,very thick,inner sep=1mm,outer sep=0pt,cap=round}}
  % Place PEs
  \foreach \m in {0,...,3}
    \node [shape=PE] (PE\m) at ($ 4*(\m,0)$) {};







  \foreach \x/\z in {een/.7,ee/0,ees/-1}
    % Rectangle box


  \tikzset{PE/port labels/.style={font=\sffamily\scriptsize}}
  \tikzset{every PE node/.style={draw=blue,minimum width=2cm,minimum
    height=3cm,very thick,inner sep=1mm,outer sep=0pt,cap=round}}
  % Place PEs
  \foreach \m in {0,...,2}{    \node [shape=PE] (PE\m) at ($ 4*(\m,0.25*\m)$) {};}
    \draw (PE0.een) to[bend right] (PE1.ee) to[bend right] (PE2.ees);
    %\draw (PE0.ees) -|++(3cm,-2cm) -| (PE1.ees);
    \node at (PE2.een)  {a};
    \node at (PE2.ee)   {b};
    \node at (PE2.ees)  {c};

