




我不知道如何绘制它,有人能帮我吗?以下代码取自TeXample 故障树示例

% Gates and symbols style
    and/.style={and gate US,thick,draw,rotate=90,
    or/.style={or gate US,thick,draw,rotate=90,
        minimum width=0.7cm},
    tr/.style={buffer gate US,thick,draw,rotate=90,
        anchor=east,minimum width=0.8cm},
% Label style
    label distance=3mm,
    every label/.style={blue},
% Event style
    event/.style={rectangle,thick,draw,text width=2cm,
        text centered,font=\sffamily,anchor=north},
% Children and edges style
    edge from parent/.style={->,very thick,draw=black!70},
    edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south) -- ++(0,-1.05cm)
            -| (\tikzchildnode.north)},
    level 1/.style={sibling distance=5cm,level distance=1.4cm,
            growth parent anchor=south,nodes=event},
    level 2/.style={sibling distance=5cm},
    level 3/.style={sibling distance=3cm},
    level 4/.style={sibling distance=2cm}
%%  For compatability with PGF CVS add the absolute option:
%   absolute

  \begin{scope}[xshift=-15cm,yshift=-5cm,very thick]
%% Draw events and edges
    \node (g1) [event] {No flow to receiver}
         child{node (g2) {No flow from Component B}
            child {node (g3) {No flow into Component B}
               child {node (g4) {No flow from Component A1}
                  child {node (t1) {No flow from source1}}
                  child {node (b2) {Component A1 blocks flow}}
               child {node (g5) {No flow from Component A2}
                  child {node (t2) {No flow from source2}}
                  child {node (b3) {Component A2 blocks flow}}
            child {node (b1) {Component B blocks flow}}
%% Place gates and other symbols
%% In the CVS version of PGF labels are placed differently than in PGF 2.0
%% To render them correctly replace '-20' with 'right' and add the 'absolute'
%% option to the tikzpicture environment. The absolute option makes the
%% node labels ignore the rotation of the parent node.
   \node [or]   at (g2.south)   [label=-20:G02] {};
   \node [and]  at (g3.south)   [label=-20:G03] {};
   \node [or]   at (g4.south)   [label=-20:G04] {};
   \node [or]   at (g5.south)   [label=-20:G05] {};
   \node [be]   at (b1.south)   [label=below:B01]   {};
   \node [be]   at (b2.south)   [label=below:B02]   {};
   \node [be]   at (b3.south)   [label=below:B03]   {};
   \node [tr]   at (t1.south)   [label=below:T01]   {};
   \node [tr]   at (t2.south)   [label=below:T02]   {};



  1. 首先tikzpicture编写代码(根据需要修改代码)。
  2. 然后,使用\resizebox命令(来自graphicx包)将tikzpicture宽度缩小到0.5\textwidth(使用所需的宽度和/或高度)。
  3. 然后将缩放的图形放置在包wrapfigure中的环境中wrapfig,以允许文本换行。

    \usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example
    oplus/.style={draw,circle, text width=2.5em,fill=blue!20,
      postaction={path picture={% 
          (path picture bounding box.south west) -- (path picture bounding box.north east) 
          (path picture bounding box.north west) -- (path picture bounding box.south east);}}},
    block/.style = {rectangle, draw, fill=blue!20, 
        text width=5em,align=center, minimum height=3em},
    decision/.style = {diamond, draw, fill=blue!20, 
        text width=4.5em,inner sep=0pt},
    line/.style = {draw,thick, -latex'},
    node distance=1.8cm and 1cm
    % Place nodes
    \node [block] (a) {text};
    \node [block, below of=a] (b) {text};
    \node [decision, below of=b] (c) {};
    \node [block, below left of=c,xshift=-1cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (cl) {text};
    \node [block, below right of=c,xshift=1cm, yshift=-0.3cm] (cr) {text};
    \node [oplus, below of=cl] (cla) {};
    \node [block, below of=cla] (clb) {text};
    % Draw edges
    \path [line] (a) -- (b);
    \path [line] (b) -- (c);
    \path [line] (c) -| (cl) node [near start,anchor=south] {if};
    \path [line] (c) -| (cr) node [near start,anchor=south] {else};
    \path [line] (cl) -- (cla);
    \path [line] (cla) -- (clb);

