\tabulinesep=4pt\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}lX}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
\tabulinesep=4pt\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}lX}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & more / words \\
Some words & and some more \\
David Carlisle 提出了多行内容的问题,所以我使用他的代码尝试了这一点。请注意,它没有对齐。可能在这种情况下,如果有多行内容,就无法以一般方式对齐,但如果可能的话,知道如何做到这一点会很有趣。
\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}l>{\strut\ignorespaces}X<{\ifhmode\unskip\strut}}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}l>{\strut\ignorespaces}X<{\ifhmode\unskip\strut}}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibu- lum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & more / words \\
Some words & and some more \\
在表格之前这样做,否则您会尝试将全宽表格和段落缩进挤在同一行上,每次都会超出 15pt。
\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}l>{\strut\ignorespaces}X<{\ifhmode\unskip\strut\fi}}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
\begin{tabu} to \columnwidth{>{\bfseries}l>{\strut\ignorespaces}X<{\ifhmode\unskip\strut\fi}}
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & and some more \\
Some words & more / words \\
Some words & and some more \\