




\usepackage{array, xcolor, lipsum, bibentry}

\title{\bfseries\Huge John Doe}

\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}

Address Line 1\\
Address Line 2\\
Address Line 3\\
Address Line 4\\
Address Line 5
Mobile: 123-456789\\
Email: [email protected]\\
Date of Birth: 01/01/2012\\
Citizenship: My citizenship

2008--2012&MSc in Computer Science, Great University, Country.\vspace{5pt}\\
2006--2008&BSc in Life Science, Great University, Country.\\

2011--today&{\bf Company Name.} Head of Department. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here.\\
\item Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.

\section*{Awards and Achievements}
2008&Gold medal.\vspace{5pt}\\
2006&Silver medal.\\

\section*{Organisational Experience}
2008&This event.\vspace{5pt}\\

English, Spanish, French, German




  • 仅使用两列
  • 使用标准化的列宽(例如 1.75cm 和“剩余可用文本宽度”)
  • 任何地方的第一行都不需要缩进(\parindent始终设置为 0pt,并抑制环境最左侧列的材料缩进tabular[*x]
  • 使用比 Computer Modern 稍微“暗”一点的字体。我建议你先使用Palatino(由mathpazo软件包提供)然后继续使用。不要使用 Times Roman,除非你想让简历看起来非常平淡

    \bfseries\Huge John Doe        
    Address Line 1 & Mobile: 123-456789\\
    Address Line 2 & Email: [email protected]\\
    Address Line 3 & Date of Birth: 01/01/2012\\
    Address Line 4 & Citizenship: My citizenship\\
    Address Line 5 & Website: \url{some.verylongnamegoeshere.net}
    2008--2012&MSc in Computer Science, Great University, Country\\[5pt]
    2006--2008&BSc in Life Science, Great University, Country.
    2011--today&\textbf{Company Name.} Head of Department. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here.\\
    \item Add my job description here.
    \item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
    \item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
    \item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.


    \section*{Awards and Achievements}
    2008&Gold medal.\\[5pt]
    2006&Silver medal.
    \section*{Organisational Experience}
    2008&This event.\vspace{5pt}
    English, Spanish, French, German

