

如何删除 fancyhdr 中的顶部水平条?




\usepackage{array, xcolor, lipsum, bibentry,fancyhdr}

\lhead{My Name}

\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 0.5pt}

\begin{center}\bfseries\Huge John Doe \end{center}
Address Line 1\\
Address Line 2\\
Address Line 3\\
Address Line 4\\
Address Line 5
Mobile: 123-456789\\
Email: [email protected]\\
Date of Birth: 01/01/2012\\
Citizenship: My citizenship

2008--2012&MSc in Computer Science, Great University, Country.\vspace{5pt}\\
2006--2008&BSc in Life Science, Great University, Country.\\

\section*{Professional Experience}
2011--today&{\bf Work at company XY.}Head of Department. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here. Add my job description here.\\
\item Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
\item Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.Add my job description here.
\end{itemize} \vspace{5pt}\\
2008--2010&{\bf Trainee at company ZY.}\\

\section*{Awards and Achievements}
2008&Gold medal.\vspace{5pt}\\
2006&Silver medal.\\

\section*{Organisational Experience}
2008&This event.\vspace{5pt}\\

English, Spanish, French, German



与您的 MWE 相比,只有几点变化:

\lhead{My Name}
\cfoot{} % get rid of the page number 

