ctable 扩展:彩色水平和扩展垂直规则 - 需要帮助

ctable 扩展:彩色水平和扩展垂直规则 - 需要帮助

我正在开发我的ctableLaTeX 包,计划允许、、key=value 的可选参数,这样就可以用 制作一个粗的红色顶部规则;此外,垂直规则应该可以扩展,不像当前使用的包 ,那里会被破坏。\FL\ML\LL3pt\FL[w=3pt,c=red]booktabsctable

我目前的问题是我尝试使用 来\@ifnextchar检测可选参数。
下面的测试从一个小演示开始,该演示显示将的可选参数\@ifnextchar移交给。 但同样的构造在我手中什么也没有,并且可选参数被打印为文本,包括括号。有人能帮帮我吗? 这是我的测试:\BB\AA



% for a demo of \@ifnextchar
% If \BB see an optional argument, it calls \AA with it.
% With no optional argument, \AA[default] is called.



    \setkeys{rules}{w=2pt,c=blue}   % set the defaults
    \@ifnextchar[{\XX}{}            % optional arg? call \XX with it
  \noalign{\global\arrayrulewidth\savedwidth} % restore width
  \arrayrulecolor{black}                  % and color
  \rule{0pt}{3ex}   % strut for extra whitespace under the rule

% Here's the demo:

% now a table with a default toprule
  Hello World & Here I am\\
Using FL with & no arg

% and a table with a thick red toprule
  Hello World & Here I am\\
Using FL with & c=red









% for a demo of \@ifnextchar
% If \BB see an optional argument, it calls \AA with it.
% With no optional argument, \AA[default] is called.


  \noalign{\global\arrayrulewidth\savedwidth}% restore width
  \arrayrulecolor{black}%                 % and color
  \rule{0pt}{3ex}%   % strut for extra whitespace under the rule

    \setkeys{rules}{w=2pt,c=blue}%   % set the defaults
    \@ifnextchar[{\XX}{\XXX} %           % optional arg? call \XX with it

% Here's the demo:

% now a table with a default toprule
  Hello World & Here I am\\
Using FL with & no arg

% and a table with a thick red toprule
  Hello World & Here I am\\
Using FL with & c=red
